1. 流域碳氮迁移转化过程及环境效应研究
2. 城市黑臭水体治理和监管技术研究
3. 河流水生态/岸线修复与碳减排效应研究
4. 水环境承载力理论及评价方法研究
1. 科学技术部, 国家重点研发计划, SQ2020YFF0426529, STP无水生态马桶及YW-SBBR粪污资源化装备研发及应用, 2020-07 至 2021-07, 结题, 主持
2. 中国工程院, 战略研究与咨询项目, 2023NXZD4, 宁夏河湖水生态安全保障战略研究, 2023-01 至2024-10, 在研, 课题负责人
3. 科学技术部, 国家重点研发计划, 2021YFC3201504, 城镇复合面源污染生物生态处理与最佳治理技术模式研究及示范, 2021-12 至 2025-12, 在研, 参与
4. 宁夏回族自治区科学技术厅, 地方科研, 2023BEG02046, 宁夏典型化工园区废水综合管控技术研究及示范, 2023-06 至 2025-06, 在研, 参与
5. 生态环境部, 黄河流域生态保护和高质量发展联合研究项目, 2022-YRUC-01-050204-011, 银川市生态环境保护治理攻坚“一市一策”综合解决方案, 2023-03 至 2025-03, 在研, 主持
6. 生态环境部, 长江生态环境保护修复联合研究(第二期), 2022-LHYJ-02-0404, 科技支撑深入打好长江保护修复攻坚战, 2021-10 至 2023-10, 在研, 主持
1. Zhangmu Jing, Shengqiang Tu, Peng Yuan, Xiaoling Liu, Siyu Wang, Bin Dong, Qingqian Li, Hongjie Gao*. The ecological role of microbiome at community-, taxonomic - and genome-levels in black-odorous waters. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2024, 467: 133673.
2. Qingqian Li, Huibin Yu, Peng Yuan, Ruixia Liu, Zhangmu Jing, Yanjie Wei, Shengqiang Tu, Hongjie Gao*, Yonghui Song. Mitigated N2O emissions from submerged-plant-covered aquatic ecosystems on the Changjiang River Delta. Science of The Total Environment, 2024, 928: 172592.
3. Zhangmu Jing, Qingqian Li, Jinxia Lu, Jiwei Ma, Fanjin Ye, Shengqiang Tu, Bin Dong, Xiaoling Liu, Hongjie Gao*. Revealing microbial community assembly patterns and succession process in the blackening process of black-odor water. Environmental Pollution, 2024, 352: 124129.
4. Shengqiang Tu, Qingqian Li, Lei Nie, Hongjie Gao*, Huibin Yu*. Appling fluorescence spectroscopy with absolute principal component coefficient to explore dynamic migration of DOM fractions from an urbanized river during torrential rainfall. Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy, 2024, 314: 124206.
5. Shengqiang Tu, Qingqian Li, Zhangmu Jing, Hongjie Gao*, Dongping Liu, Meiqi Shao, Huibin Yu*. Characterizing dissolved organic matter and bacterial community interactions in a river network under anthropogenic landcover. Environmental Research, 2023, 238: 117129.
6. Kuotian Lu, Xiaobo Gao, Fang Yang, Hongjie Gao*, Xin Yan, Huibin Yu*. Driving mechanism of water replenishment on DOM composition and eutrophic status changes of lake in arid and semi-arid regions of loess area. Science of The Total Environment, 2023, 899: 165609.
7. Chunjian Lyu, Xiaojie Li, Huibin Yu, Yonghui Song*, Hongjie Gao*, Peng Yuan. Insight into the microbial nitrogen cycle in riparian soils in an agricultural region. Environmental Research, 2023, 231(1):116100.
8. Yibo Liu, Yanping Shen, Cheng Cheng, Weilin Yuan, Hongjie Gao*, Ping Guo*. Analysis of the influence paths of land use and landscape pattern on organic matter decomposition in river ecosystems: Focusing on microbial groups. Science of The Total Environment, 2022,817:152999.
9. Kuotian Lu, Hongjie Gao*, Huibin Yu, Dongping Liu, Ningmei Zhu, Keling Wan. Insight into variations of DOM fractions in different latitudinal rural black-odor waterbodies of eastern China using fluorescence spectroscopy coupled with structure equation model, Science of The Total Environment, 2022,816: 151531.
10. Chunjian Lyu, Xiaojie Li, Peng Yuan, Yonghui Song*, Hongjie Gao*, Xiaoling Liu; Ruixia Liu, Huibin Yu. Nitrogen retention effect of riparian zones in agricultural areas: A meta-analysis, Journal of Cleaner Production, 2021, 315: 128143
11. 刘东萍,高红杰,崔兵,于会彬,杨芳.白塔堡河底泥DOM组成结构的荧光光谱与多元统计模型表征[J].环境工程技术学报,2021,11(02):249-257.
12. Dongping Liu, Kuotian Lu, Huibin Yu*, Hongjie Gao*, Weining Xu. Applying synchronous fluorescence spectroscopy conjunct second derivative and two-dimensional correlation to analyze the interactions of copper (II) with dissolved organic matter from an urbanized river. Talanta, 2021, 235:122738.
13. Chunjian Lyu, Ruixia Liu, Xiaojie Li, Yonghui Song*, Hongjie Gao*, Degradation of dissolved organic matter in effluent of municipal wastewater plant by a combined tidal and subsurface flow constructed wetland, Journal of Environmental Sciences, 2021,106, 171-181.
14. Liu Dongping, Yu Huibin*, Gao Hongjie*, Feng huijuan, Zhang guangcai. Applying synchronous fluorescence and UV-vis spectra combined with two-dimensional correlation to characterize structural composition of DOM from urban black and stinky rivers. Environ Sci Pollut Res 2021,28: 19400–19411.
15. Liu Dongping, Yu Huibin*, Feng Huijuan, Gao Hongjie*, Zhu Yanzhong. Revealing heavy metal correlations with water quality and tracking its latent factors by canonical correlation analysis and structural equation modeling in Dongjianghu Lake. Environ Monit Assess, 2021,193, 717.
1. 高红杰,刘晓玲,路金霞等; 城市黑臭水体环保清淤评估与典型案例, 科学出版社, 2023
2. 高红杰, 刘晓玲, 申茜等; 城市黑臭水体污染特征及卫星遥感识别技术, 科学出版社, 2022.
3. 高红杰, 彭剑锋, 袁鹏等; 城市水环境调查评估与管理平台,科学出版社, 2022.
4. 高红杰, 袁鹏, 宋永会; 城市黑臭水体整治典型案例, 科学出版社, 2020