主要从事流域水生态系统完整性评估与诊断,污染物区域生态风险评价理论与方法研究。主持国家“优青”、国家重点研发计划等项目/课题20余项。相关成果在Science, Communications Earth & Environment,Environ. Sci. Technol.等期刊发表论文120余篇,编写行业标准规范、政策建议10余项。兼任中国环境科学学会新污染物治理专业委员会副主任委员、青年科学家分会副主任委员,《生态毒理学报》责任副主编,Environ Sci Eur等期刊编委;获省部级科技进步3项(一等奖2项,二等奖1项),国家生态环境保护专业技术青年拔尖人才,北京市高层次创新创业人才支持计划青年拔尖人,中国化学会青年环境化学奖,中国环境科学学会青年科学家金,Elsevier中国金色开放获取高下载论文学者。
1. 国家自然科学优秀青年基金:水生态风险评价,2024-2026,主持;
2. 国家重点研发计划课题:长江黄河流域水生态环境质量监测与评价业务化示范,2022-2025,主持;
3. 国家自然科学面上基金:三唑类杀菌剂三唑酮的繁殖毒性及高层级生态风险评价,2020-2023,主持;
4. 国家自然科学青年基金:典型PPCPs生殖/繁殖毒性效应及生态风险评估方法研究,2014-2016,主持;
5. 黄河流域生态保护和高质量发展联合研究项目:黄河流域生态监测网络构建与生态质量评估,2022-2024,主持;
6. 长江生态环境保护修复联合研究项目:长江生态环境监测网络与技术体系建设,2019-2020,主持;
7. 北京市委组织部:北京市优秀人才培养资助项目青年拔尖人才个人项目,2019-2021,主持;
8. 国家环境保护标准项目:河流水生态环境质量监测与评价技术指南,2020-2021,主持;
9. 国家环境保护标准项目:地表水无人船水质监测技术规范,2018-2020,主持;
10. 中国工程院院士重大咨询项目:面向生态文明建设的水安全保障战略研究,2021-2022,骨干;
1. Andrew C. Johnson*, Xiaowei Jin, Norihide Nakada, John P. Sumpter. 2020. Learning from the past and considering the future of chemicals in the environment. Science. 367: 384-387
2. Yan Zhang#, Daizhong Huang#, Xiaowei Jin*, Liqiang Li, Chouming Wang, Yeyao Wang, Loïc Pellissier, Andrew C. Johnson, Fengchang Wu, Xiaowei Zhang, 2024. Long-term wetland biomonitoring highlights the differential impact of land use on macroinvertebrate diversity in Dongting Lake in China. Communications Earth & Environment (2024) 5:32.
3. Xu Zhao, Yu Ma, Huiyu Xie, Chang Du, Aibin Zhan, Jian Xu, John. P. Giesy,Fengchang Wu, Xiaowei Jin,* 2024. Spatial distribution of benthic taxonomic and functional diversity in the Yellow River Basin: from ecological processes to associated determinant factors. Environment International. 188 (2024) 108745
4. Huiyu Xie, Yu Ma, Xiaowei Jin*, Shiqi Jia, Xu Zhao, Xianfu Zhao, Yongjiu Cai, Jian Xu, Fengchang Wu, John. P. Giesy, 2024. Land Use and River-Lake Connectivity: Biodiversity Determinants of Lake Ecosystems. Environmental Science and Ecotechnology. DOI: 10.1016/j.ese.2024.100434
5. Yajun Hong, Huiyu Xie, Xiaowei Jin*, Saraschandra Naraginti, Dayong Xu, Changsheng Guo, Chenglian Feng, Fengchang Wu*, John P. Giesy, 2024. Prediction of HC5s for phthalate esters by use of the QSAR–ICE model and ecological risk assessment in Chinese surface waters. Journal of Hazardous Materials 467(2024)133642.
6. Ying Luo, Xiaowei Jin*, Jianglu Zhao , Huiyu Xie, Changsheng Guo,Daizhong Huang, John. P. Giesy,Jian Xu*, 2024. Ecological Implications and Drivers of Emerging Contaminants in Dongting Lake: A Multi-Substance Risk Analysis. Journal of Hazardous Materials. 472 (2024)134519.
7. Miao Chen, Xiaowei Jin*, Yang Liu, Heng Zhang, Changsheng Guo, Wang Junxia, Guihua Dong, Lei Tao, Wei Guo, Andrew C. Johnson, John P. Giesy, Fengchang Wu, Jian Xu*. Micro-pollutants but high risks: Human multiple stressors increase risks of freshwater ecosystems on the megacity-scale. Journal of Hazardous Materials 460 (2023)132479
8. Yu Ma,Zongling Yu, Shiqi Jia, Naicheng Wu, Kun Yin, Yeyao Wang, John. P. Giesy, Xiaowei Jin*, 2023, Multiple anthropogenic stressors influence taxonomic and functional homogenization of communities of macroinvertebrates on mainstream of an urban-agricultural river in China. Journal of Environmental Management 341C (2023) 118017
9. Na Liu, Xiaowei Jin*, Chenglian Feng, Zijian Wang, Fengchang Wu, Andrew C. Johnson, Hongxia Xiao, Henner Hollert, John P. Giesy. 2020. Ecological risk assessment of fifty Pharmaceuticals and Personal Care Products (PPCPs) in Chinese surface waters: A proposed multiple-level system. Environment International 2020, 136 (2020) 105454
10. Xiaowei Jin, Yeyao Wang, Wei Jin, Kaifeng Rao, Giesy, J.; Hollert, H.; Richardson, K., Zijian Wang*; 2014. Ecological risk of nonylphenol in China surface waters based on reproductive fitness. Environmental Science & Technology, 48 (2): 1256–1262
1. “水生生物监测与生物完整性评价”专刊.《中国环境监测》,2018年34卷第6期. 执行主编.
2. “环境新型污染物风险管理”专刊.《生态毒理学报》,2020年15卷第1期. 执行主编.
3. “新型污染物环境监测技术及风险预警”专刊. 《环境监控与预警》,2020年12卷第五期. 执行主编.
4. “长江、黄河流域水生态系统完整性评估及病因诊断”专刊. 《中国环境监测》,2022年37卷第1期. 执行主编
5. 《中国流域常见水生生物图集》.科学出版社,2021年. 副主编.