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Deliang Chen


1989-1992    Ph.D. candidate at Johannes Gutenberg University of Mainz. Major: Geosciences; minors: Theoretical Meteorology (Dynamics) and Applied Mathematics (numerical methods for differential equations). Supervisors of the three subjects are Prof. P. J. Crutzen (Nobel Laureate) and Prof. M. Domrös, Prof. W. Zdunkowski, and Prof. W. Börsch-Supan respectively. Title of the Ph.D. thesis: 'Development of a Two-Dimensional Model of Global Climate-Transport'. degree earned on 27 February 1992.

1979-1983    B.Sc., majored in Climatology, Department of Meteorology, Nanjing University, Nanjing, China.

Working experience

2012-2018     Assistant Dean for Research of the Faculty of Science, University of Gothenburg

2009-2012     Executive Director of the International Council for Science (ICSU)

2007-            The August Röhss Chair in Physical Geography at University of Gothenburg

2006-2007    Director for ‘Gothenburg Atmospheric Science Centre’

1993             Senior Lecturer (Lektor) in Physical Meteorology at Department of Earth Sciences, University of Gothenburg, Sweden in July 1993. Promoted to Associate Professor (Docent) in 1996. Became Full Professor of Physical Meteorology in 2000. His research interests include Earh System science, Global Change and regional climate change with a focus on water cycle, environmental change over the Third Pole. In 1995 Deliang Chen funded the Regional Climate Group (RCG: http://rcg.gvc.gu.se) who is specialized in past and future regional climate changes using instrumental and proxy data, as well as advanced statistical techniques and numerical climate models. Recent studies additionally include the impact of climate change on water resources, air quality, and agriculture.

1992-1993        Post-doctoral Research Assistant focusing on developing simple atmosphere model for studying air-sea interactions, at the Department of Physics II,  Alfred-Wegener-Institute for Polar and Marine Research, Bremerhaven, Germany

1992                 Post-doctoral Research Assistant focusing on using regional air quality model to study dry deposition, at the Institute of Geophysics and Meteorology, University of Cologne, Cologne, Germany

1988-1992          Ph.D. student working on developing two dimensional climate model for air chemistry studies under the guidance of Prof. Paul J. Crutzen at Max-Planck-Institute for Chemistry, Mainz, Germany

1983-1988     Personal Assistant to the Director and Research Assistant at Institute of Geography, CAS, Beijing, China. Research works concerns climate productivity of crops and water balances for the northern China during 1984 and 1985, crop water requirements and evapotranspiration during 1985 and 1986, and land surface process modeling in global climate model during 1987 and 1988.


 Membership in professional Society

2018-                Life member of the American Geophysical Union (AGU)

2019-                Life member of the European Geophysical Union (EGU)


Awards and distinctions

2021   Awarded the Synergy Prize by the Science Faculty of the University of Gothenburg

2021   Awarded the H. M. The King's Medal in the 8th size with the Order of the Seraphim

           ribbon for outstanding contributions to Swedish and international climate research

2021   Listed in the @Reuters Hot List of 1,000 top climate scientists in the world

2018   Elected member of the European Academy of Sciences and Arts

2018   Elected Foreign Member of the Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters

2017   Elected Foreign Member of CAS

2015   Elected Fellow of the World Academy of Sciences (TWAS)

2014   Awarded Pro Arte et Scientia Medal by the University of Gothenburg

2013   Elected Member of the Royal Society of Arts and Sciences in Gothenburg

2010   Elected Member of the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences


Commissions of trust

2023-2024     Member of the Membership Advisory Committees of TWAS

2023-2027     Member of the Advisory Board of “National Science Review (NSR)”

2021-               Elected member of the Future Earth Governing Council.

2021, 2023     Member of the Editorial Board of the “10 New Insights in Climate Science 2021” led by Future Earth, The Earth League and WCRP.

2020-2024      Board member of The Future Earth Sweden Foundation

2019-               Chair of the Advisory Committee for the Development of the Atmospheric Science at Nanjing University, China. 

2018-2023      Mentor for Wallenberg Academy Fellows’ mentorship programme supported by the Wallenberg Foundation and the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences

2018-2021      Coordinating Lead Author of the sixth Assessment Report (AR6) of IPCC (International Panel of Climate Change) Working Group I

2018-               International expert for CAS’ pilot project “Big data for Earth Science"

2018-               Chair of the Class for Geosciences of the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences

2017-2021      Member of the Editorial Board of "Big Earth Data"

2017-                       Member of the International Jury for the TWAS-Lenovo Science Prize in Geological Sciences.

2017-2019      Member of External Science Advisory Group (ESAG) of the Bolin Centre for Climate Research at Stockholm University.

2016-               Chair of the Nomination Committee of the Stockholm Water Prize

2016-              Member of Science Steering Committee of the Future Earth Core Project Integrated Risk Governance (IRG)

2016-      Member of the Advisory Board for Penn State’s Advanced Data Assimilation and Predictability Techniques (ADAPT) Center

2015-2017     Member of the Baltic Earth Senior Advisory Board

2015-2017     Chief Editor of the Oxford Research Encyclopedia “Regional climate and climate change in the region of Tibet”

2014-2016     Associate Editor-in-Chief of “Journal of Geographical Sciences”

2014-      Associate Editor-in-Chief of “Advances in Climate Change Research”

2014-2017     Member of the Advisory Committee for the International Research Prize in Science, Mathematics and Medicine and Support for the Nordic Research Projects for the Olav Thon Foundation

2014-      Member of the International Science Advisory Council of Stockholm Resilience Centre

2013-2022     Member of the Editorial Board of “National Science Review (NSR)”

2013-2019     Member of the Science Committee for the VOLVO Environment Prize

2013-2015     Member of the Project Evaluation Committee, Research Institute for Humanity and Nature (RIHN), Japan

2012-2017     Member of the Swedish National Committee for Global Environmental Change, Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences

2012, 2008    Jury member for the Sixten Heyman Prize

2011-      Co-chair of the Executive Board of the Third Pole Environment (TPE)

2011-2016     Chair of the Scientific Advisory Committee for ECDS (Environment Climate Data Sweden: http://www.smhi.se/ecds)

2011-2013     Member of the French ANR (the French National Research Agency) Scientific Steering Committee on Earth System Science

2011-2013     Member of the Advisory Group for the OECD Programme on Innovation, Higher Education and Research for Development

2011-2017     Member of the Editorial Board for ‘Environmental Development’

2010       Member of the Science Committee for the '3rd Nobel Laureate Symposium on Global Sustainability’ organized by the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences

2010-2013     Lead Author of Chapter 1 'Introduction' in the IPCC (International Panel of Climate Change) Working Group I (AR5)

2009-2012     Member of the Steering Committee for the World Science Forum

2008-2015     Member of the Environment Committee of the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences

2008-      Member of the Editorial Board for ‘Chinese Geographical Science’

2008-      Member of the Editorial Committee for ‘Journal of Earth Environment’

2007       Guest Editor for ‘Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics’

2006-2007     Member of the Swedish National Committee for Geophysics (SNG) under Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences

2006       Guest Editor for ‘Geografiska Annaler’

2004-2005     Member of the National Swedish Committee for IGCP (International Geoscience Programme of the United Nations).

2004-2008     Member of the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences’ Committee for IGBP/WCRP (International Geosphere-Biosphere Programme/World Climate Research Programme)

2004-2015     Editor for ‘Acta Meteorologica Sinica’ (both English and Chinese).

2002-      Member of the Editorial Board of ‘Advances in Geographical Science’ (in Chinese)

2000-2003     Member in Atmospheric Sciences Committee of the National Swedish Space Agency 

2000       Reviewer for Norwegian Natural Science Research Council

2000-2001     Visiting Professor at the University of Cologne, Germany

1999-2003     International expert for German Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF)

1999       Contributing Author of Chapter 10 ‘Regional Climate Simulation -- Evaluation and Projections’ in the IPCC Working Group I (AR3)

1998-2002     Member of the Reviewing Committee member in Geosciences at Swedish Natural Science Research Council


Research interests

•      Earth System Science and global environmental change

•      Climate dynamics and modeling

•      Atmospheric circulation and water balance in the Third Pole Region

•      Recent and future regional climate changes and their impacts on water, ecosystem, environment, and agriculture with a focus on Sweden and China.