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娄和震 高级工程师 硕士生导师







博士:2012.9-2017.6 北京师范大学地理学与遥感科学学院 理学博士


学士:2004.9-2008.6 河南理工大学测绘与国土信息工程学院 工学学士



2021年7月至今 北京师范大学 水科学研究院 高级工程师 硕士生导师

2019年7月至2021年7月 北京师范大学 水科学研究院 工程师 硕士生导师

2017年7月至2019年7月 北京师范大学 水科学研究院 工程师 师资博士后





[1] 水利部数字孪生重点实验室开放基金项目“卫星遥感径流监测新方法研究”(2025-2026, 主持)

[2] 北京师范大学“苗圃计划”项目“遥感水文站技术培育与推广应用” (2025, 主持)

[3] 生态环境部项目“典型农业面源污染验证小流域径流遥感监测”(2023-2024, 主持)

[4] 水利部项目“三峡区间遥感水文站建设”(2023-2024,主持)

[5] 国家新疆科考项目“吐哈盆地水资源与承载力调查”课题1专题3“吐哈盆地河流、湖泊调查”(2022-2024, 主持)

[6] 中国科学院先导项目“典型国际河流流量变化与分析”(2022-2023,主持)

[7] 生态环境部项目“黄河流域中游地区河流典型断面流量遥感估算研究”(2022, 主持)

[8] 清华大学水沙科学重点实验室开放基金项目“近三十年疏勒河流域河流流量变化与分析”(2021-2022,主持)

[9] 生态环境部项目“基于遥感技术的河流流量估算技术研究”(2021, 主持)

[10] 国家自然科学基金青年基金项目“三江平原高强度农业开发情形下土壤残留磷估算及其风险评价”(41801334)(2019-2021, 主持)

[11] 中国博士后基金项目“高强度农业区长序列土壤磷素时空变化规律及磷风险识别”(2017M620663)(2017-2019, 主持)

[12] 国家自然科学基金贵州联合基金中心项目“喀斯特生物多样性形成和维持的钙依赖机制及其应用基础” (U1812401)(2019-2023,项目骨干)

[13] 国家自然科学基金新疆联合基金重点项目“艾比湖稀缺资料流域水文变化分析与水资源利用安全范式”(U1603241)(2017-2020, 第七完成人)

[14] 国家自然科学基金“中高纬冻融区农业非点源污染中磷富集机制及其时空变化规律研究”(41271414)(2013-2016, 项目骨干)


[1] Pan, Z., Yang, S., Lou, H. (通讯), Gong, J., Zhou, B., Wang, H., ... & Huang, X. (2024). Small reservoirs can enhance the terrestrial carbon sink of controlled basins in karst areas worldwide. Science of The Total Environment, 951, 175517.

[2] Lou, H., Zhou, B., Ren, X., Wu, X., Yang, S., Liu, S., ... & Wang, Q. (2024). Soil Phosphorus Transport in Response to Climate Change at Mid‐High Latitudes Under Intensive Agriculture. Land Degradation & Development, 35(17), 5327-5340.

[3] Lou H., Dai Y., Yang S., Li J., Liu S., Ding J., Wang H., Li H., Wang J. (2024). Quantitative reevaluation of the function of Karez using remote sensing technology. Ecological Indicators, 166, 112249.

[4] Lou, H., Shi, X., Ren, X., Yang, S., Cai, M., Pan, Z., ... & Zhou, B. (2024). Limited terrestrial carbon sinks and increasing carbon emissions from the Hu Line spatial pattern perspective in China. Ecological Indicators, 162, 112035.

[5] Yang, S., Li, J., Lou, H. (通讯), Dai, Y., Pan, Z., Zhou, B., ... & Zheng, J. (2023). Detection and Analysis of the Variation in the Minimum Ecological Instream Flow Requirement in the Chinese Northwestern Inland Arid Region by Using a New Remote Sensing Method. Remote Sensing, 15(24), 5725.

[6] Lou, H., Yang, S., Shi, X., Zhang, J., Pan, Z., Li, C., ... & Luo, Y. (2023). Whether the enhanced terrestrial vegetation carbon sink affect the water resources in the middle-low latitude karst areas of China? Journal of Hydrology, 129510.

[7] Yang, S., Pan, Z., Lou, H. (通讯), Li, C., Zhang, J., Zhang, Y., ... & Li, X. (2023). Reconstruction of the water cycle process reveals the 600-year evolution of the human-water relationship in Tunpu, China. Journal of Hydrology, 617, 128927.

[8] Lou, H., Li, H., Yang, S., Wang, X., Pan, Z., Zhang, Y., ... & Zhang, J. (2023). River discharge recovery lag in the small and medium-sized rivers occurred in response to climate change and human activities. Journal of Hydrology, 620, 129453.

[9] Pan, Z., Yang, S., Ren, X., Lou, H. (通讯), Zhou, B., Wang, H., ... & Dai, Y. (2023). GEE can prominently reduce uncertainties from input data and parameters of the remote sensing-driven distributed hydrological model. Science of The Total Environment, 870, 161852.

[10] Pan, Z., Yang, S., Lou, H. (通讯), Li, C., Zhang, J., Zhang, Y., ... & Li, X. (2023). Perspectives of human–water coevolution of blue–green water resources in subtropical areas. Hydrological Processes, 37(2), e14818.

[11] Yang, S., Zhou, B., Lou, H. (通讯), Wu, Z., Wang, S., Zhang, Y., ... & Li, C. (2022). Remote sensing hydrological indication: Responses of hydrological processes to vegetation cover change in mid-latitude mountainous regions. Science of the Total Environment, 851, 158170.

[12] Lou, H., Zhang, Y., Yang, S., Wang, X., Pan, Z., & Luo, Y. (2022). A New Method for Long-Term River Discharge Estimation of Small-and Medium-Scale Rivers by Using Multisource Remote Sensing and RSHS: Application and Validation. Remote Sensing, 14(8), 1798.

[13] Lou, H., Scovronick, N., Yang, S., Ren, X., Shi, L., Fu, Y., ... & Luo, Y. (2021). A balance exists between vegetation recovery and human development over the past 30 years in the Guizhou Plateau, China. Ecological Indicators, 133, 108357.

[14] Lou, H., Wu, X., Ren, X., Yang, S., Cai, M., Wang, P., & Guan, Y. (2021). Quantitative Assessment of the Influences of Snow Drought on Forest and Grass Growth in Mid-High Latitude Regions by Using Remote Sensing. Remote Sensing, 13(4), 668.

[15] Lou, H., Ren, X., Yang, S., Hao, F., Cai, M., & Wang, Y. (2021). Relations between Microtopography and Soil N and P Observed by an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle and Satellite Remote Sensing (GF-2). Polish Journal of Environmental Studies, 30(1).

[16] Lou, H., Zhang, J., Yang, S., Cai, M., Ren, X., Luo, Y., & Li, C. (2021). Exploring the Relationships of Atmospheric Water Vapor Contents and Different Land Surfaces in a Complex Terrain Area by Using Doppler Radar. Atmosphere, 12(5), 528.

[17] Yang, S., Li, C., Lou, H. (通讯), Wang, P., Wu, X., Zhang, Y., ... & Li, X. (2021). Role of the countryside landscapes for sustaining biodiversity in karst areas at a semi centennial scale. Ecological Indicators, 123, 107315.

[18] Lou, H. ,Wang, P., Yang, S., Hao, F., Ren, X., Wang, Y., ... & Gong, T. (2020). Combining and Comparing an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle and Multiple Remote Sensing Satellites to Calculate Long-Term River Discharge in an Ungauged Water Source Region on the Tibetan Plateau. Remote Sensing, 12(13), 2155.

[19] Yang, S., Li, C., Lou, H.(通讯), Wang, P., Wang, J., & Ren, X. (2020). Performance of an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) in Calculating the Flood Peak Discharge of Ephemeral Rivers Combined with the Incipient Motion of Moving Stones in Arid Ungauged Regions. Remote Sensing, 12(10), 1610.

[20] Lou, H., Yang, S., Hao, F., Ren, X., Zhao, C., Wang, Y., ... & Sun, F. (2020). Evolution and driving forces of non-point source pollution in a developing megacity: Beijing as a long-term case study. Polish Journal of Environmental Studies, 29(1).

[21] Lou, H., Yang, S., Hao, F., Jiang, L., Zhao, C., Ren, X., ... & Wang, Z. (2019). SMAP, RS-DTVGM, and in-situ monitoring: which performs best in presenting the soil moisture in the middle-high latitude frozen area in the Sanjiang Plain, China? Journal of Hydrology. 571, 300-310.

[22] Yang, S., Wang, P., Lou, H.(通讯), Wang, J., Zhao, C., & Gong, T. (2019). Estimating River Discharges in Ungauged Catchments Using the Slope–Area Method and Unmanned Aerial Vehicle. Water, 11(11), 2361.

[23] Lou, H., Zhao, C., Yang, S., Shi, L., Wang, Y., Ren, X., & Bai, J. (2018). Quantitative evaluation of legacy phosphorus and its spatial distribution. Journal of environmental management, 211, 296-305.

[24] Yang, S., Bai, J., Zhao, C., Lou, H.(通讯), Wang, Z., Guan, Y., ... & Yu, X. (2018). Decline of N and P Uptake in the Inner Protection Zone of a Terminal Reservoir during Inter-Basin Water Transfers. Water, 10(2), 178.

[25] Lou, H., Yang, S., Zhao, C., Shi, L., Wu, L., Wang, Y., & Wang, Z. (2016). Detecting and analyzing soil phosphorus loss associated with critical source areas using a remote sensing approach. Science of the Total Environment, 573, 397-408.

[26] Lou, H., Yang, S., Zhao, C., Zhou, Q., Bai, J., Hao, F., & Wu, L. (2015). Phosphorus risk in an intensive agricultural area in a mid-high latitude region of China. Catena, 127, 46-55.

[27] Lou, H., Yang, S., Zhao, C., Wang, Z., Shi, L., Wu, L, & Hao, F. (2017). Using a nitrogen-phosphorus ratio to identify phosphorus risk factors and their spatial heterogeneity in an intensive agricultural area. Catena, 149, 426-436.

[28] Lou, H., Yang, S., Zhao, C., Wang, Z., Liu, X., Shi, L., ... & Cai, M. (2017). Combining multi-source data to explore a mechanism for the effects of micrometeorological elements on nutrient variations in paddy land water. Paddy and water environment, 15(3), 513-524.

[29] 李好,杨胜天,娄和震(通讯),任霄玉,丁健新,王怀星,王雪蕾,冯爱萍. 基于遥感信息的无监测资料流域氮磷非点源污染源污染通量估算研究[J]. 环境科学学报, 2025, 45 (01): 262-271.

[30] 娄和震,周柏池,宋文龙,冯天时,杨胜天,孟娟... & 代韵萌. 三峡库区无资料支流流量遥感监测及其变化分析[J]. 长江科学院院报 1-11.

[31] 潘子豪,杨胜天,娄和震(通讯),于静洁,王忠静,张军.缺测站干旱流域生态输水遥感监测与农业节水效益分析[J].干旱区地理:1-16. (CSSCI)

[32] 张军,娄和震(通讯),杨胜天,潘子豪,于静洁,王忠静.河道流量对疏勒河中下游河岸带植被变化的影响评价[J].干旱区资源与环境,2022,36(02):123-129. (CSSCI)

[33] 娄和震, 吴习锦, 郝芳华,杨胜天,张璇.2020.近三十年中国非点源污染研究现状与未来发展方向探讨[J].环境科学学报,40 (5):1535-1549. (EI)

[34] 杨胜天, 王鹏飞, 王娟, 娄和震 &  巩同梁. (2021). 结合无人机航空摄影测量的河道流量估算. 遥感学报 (06), 1284-1293. (EI)

[35] 娄和震, 杨胜天, 周秋文, 罗娅, 侯立鹏. 延河流域2000-2010年土地利用/覆盖变化及驱动力分析[J]. 干旱区资源与环境,2014,04:15-21. (CSSCI)


[1]《遥感水文模型》第三作者(封面),教材,高等教育出版社,2025 ;

[2]《遥感水文》第三章,专著,科学出版社,2015 ; 



[1]发明专利:获取和监测长序列连续自然河流流量的遥感水文站方法 北京师范大学 (第一完成人) CN202311564799.2, 2024-08-16.

[2] 发明专利: 一种基于塔基视频的自然河流生态流量实时监测方法 北京师范大学 (第一完成人) CN202311564794.X, 2024-09-17.

[3] 发明专利:一种对遥感影像统计回归降尺度并提高水体清晰度的方法 北京师范大学 (第一完成人) CN202111609359.5, 2024-06-28.

[4] 发明专利:一种基于无人机遥感与塔基视频的河流流量实时监测方法 生态环境部卫星环境应用中心 (第二完成人) CN202311564793.5, 2024-09-27.

[5] 发明专利:一种基于观测塔遥感的自然河流生态流量监测方法 生态环境部卫星环境应用中心 (第二完成人)  CN202311564791.6, 2024-08-20.

[6] 发明专利:一种基于低空遥感的静水平均水深估算方法 北京师范大学 (第二完成人) ZL201910961451.4    

[7] 发明专利:一种石漠化坡面石芽溶沟降水收集灌溉系统 贵州师范大学 (第五完成人) CN202321259035.8

[8] 发明专利:一种利用喀斯特地区气候资源的光伏集水扬水方法 贵州师范大学 (第五完成人) CN202310585494.3

[9] 发明专利:一种石漠化坡面石芽溶沟低碳降水收集灌溉方法 贵州师范大学 (第五完成人) CN202310585486.9

[10] 软著:基于遥感的多方法河道流量计算系统EcoHAT-RSFlow V1.0北京师范大学 (第一完成人) 2019SR0873506      

[11]软著:EcoHAT_HydrOpen遥感径流数据共享系统V1.0北京师范大学 (第一完成人) 2024SR1049804

[12] 软著:植物识别与多样性计算软件  北京师范大学 (第一完成人)  2022SR0417730

[13] 软著:土壤氮元素关键源区识别软件EcoHAT-CNSA V1.0北京师范大学 (第一完成人) 2021SR0158914     

[14] 软著:流域磷面源污染关键源区识别软件EcoHAT-CPSA V1.0北京师范大学 (第一完成人) 2018SR812985





[1] 《南水北调与水利科技》期刊 优秀青年编委(2024)

[2] 《Water》期刊 Guest Editor

[3] 中国测绘学会第十三届地图学与GIS专委会委员

[4] 《Remote Sensing of Environment》 《Journal of Hydrology》 《Remote Sensing》 《Science of the Total Environment》 审稿人


[1] 2022 中国测绘学会科学技术一等奖,流域水环境立体监测与智能预报关键技术与应用,(10/12)

[2] 2021 北京师范大学高等教育教学成果奖二等奖,践行两山理论,新工科教学实践育人体系构建,(8/10)

[3] 2020 北京市先进班集体,2018级水利工程硕士班,(班主任)

[4] 2019 贵州省自然科学奖一等奖,山地生态脆弱区生态水文机理与数字模拟,(6/8)

[5] 2017 北京师范大学优秀毕业生
