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陈海洋 副教授 硕士生导师



研究方向: 流域水土污染过程模拟与控制、环境微生物组学大数据分析




当前研究重点,污废水资源化利用中抗生素耐药基因污染风险防控理论与技术。曾参与全国多起重大水污染事件的应急处置与调查工作,主持及参与包括国家自然科学基金、“国家重点研发计划”、“水体污染控制与治理科技重大专项”等多个课题的研究。以第一作者或通讯作者在Environmental Science & Technology, Water Research, Environment International, Journal of Hazard Materials, Environmental Pollution等学术刊物发表论文几十篇。近期发表的5项代表性研究成果如下:

[1] Chen, H.Y., Bai, X.M., Li, Y.Z., Jing, L.J., Chen, R.H., Teng, Y.G. Source identification of antibiotic resistance genes in a peri-urban river using novel crAssphage marker genes and metagenomic signatures.Water Research, 2019, 167, 115098.

[2] Chen, H.Y., Jing, L.J., Yao, Z.P., Meng, F.S., Teng, Y.G. Prevalence, source and risk of antibiotic resistance genes in the sediments of Lake Tai (China) deciphered by metagenomic assembly: A comparison with other global lakes.Environment International, 2019, 127, 267-275.

[3] Chen, H.Y., Li, Y.Z., Sun, W.C., Song, L.T., Zuo, R., Teng, Y.G. Characterization and source identification of antibiotic resistance genes in the sediments of an interconnected river-lake system.Environment International, 2020, 137, 105538.

[4] Chen, H.Y., Liu, C., Teng, Y.G., Zhang, Z.L., Chen, Y.H., Yang, Y.Y. Environmental risk characterization and ecological process determination of bacterial antibiotic resistome in lake sediments.Environment International, 2021, 147, 106345.

[5] Chen, H.Y., Liu, C., Li, Y.Z., Teng, Y.G. Integrating Metagenomic and Bayesian Analyses to Evaluate the Performance and Confidence of CrAssphage as an Indicator for Tracking Human Sewage Contamination in China.Environmental Science & Technology, 2021, 55, 4992-5000.




