赵惊涛 教授 博士生导师
E-mail: diffzjt@bnu.edu.cn
2003年~2007年 中国地质大学(北京),勘查技术与工程,工学学士;
2007年~2013年 中国科学院地质与地球物理研究所,固体地球物理学,理学博士。
2013-2015年 石油勘探开发科学研究院,博士后;
2015-2020年 中国矿业大学(北京),博士后、副教授;
2020-2025年 中国矿业大学(北京),教授;
2025年至今 北京师范大学水科学研究院,教授。
[1]Jingtao Zhao; Caixia Yu; Suping Peng; Jingjie Cao;Least-squares imaging of diffractions by solving a hybrid L1-L2 norm minimization problem, Geophysics, 2021, 86(1): S59-S72
[2]Jingtao Zhao; Caixia Yu; Suping Peng; Chuangjian Li ;3D diffraction imaging method using low-rank matrix decomposition, Geophysics, 2020, 85(1): S1-S10
[3]Jingtao Zhao; Xiuli Sun; Suping Peng; Wei Wei; Tao Liu;Separating prestack diffractions with SVMF in the flattened shot, Journal of Geophysics and Engineering, 2019, 16(2): 389-398
[4]Jingtao Zhao; Caixia Yu; Suping Peng; Zongnan Chen;Online dictionary learning method for extracting GPR diffractions,Journal of Geophysics and Engineering, 2019, 16(6): 1116-1123
[5]Jingtao Zhao; Suping Peng; Wenfeng Du; Xiaoting Li ;Diffraction imaging method by Mahalanobis-based amplitude damping,Geophysics, 2016, 81(6): S399-S408
[6]Jingtao Zhao;Yanfei Wang;Caixia Yu;Diffraction imaging by uniform asymptotic theory and double exponential fitting,Geophysical Prospecting,2015, 63(2):338-353
[7]Jingtao Zhao;Suping Peng;Wenfeng Du;Seismic small-scale discontinuity sparsity-constraint inversion method using a penalty decomposition algorithm,Journal of Geophysics and Engineering, 2016, 13(1):109-115
[8]Zongnan Chen; Jingtao Zhao(通讯作者);Suping Peng; Tongjie Sheng;Separating seismic diffractions by an improved Cook-SVD method, Geophysics, 2023, 88(1): WA377-WA386
[9]Hongjie Peng;Jingtao Zhao(通讯作者); Rui Cui ;Predicting the Temperature Field of Hot Dry Rocks by the Seismic Inversion Method, Energies, 2023, 16(4): 1865
[10]Wanli Gao;Jingtao Zhao(通讯作者); Suping Peng ;UNet–Based Temperature Simulation of Hot Dry Rock in the Gonghe Basin, Energies, 2022, 15(17): 6162
[11]Junyi Wang; Jingtao Zhao(通讯作者); Suping Peng; Rui Cui ; Q-value estimation of Chang'e-4 lunar penetrating radar data, Journal of Geophysics and Engineering, 2022, 19(5): 982-996
[12]Tongjie Sheng; Jingtao Zhao(通讯作者); Separation and imaging of diffractions using a dilated convolutional neural network, Geophysics, 2022, 87(3): S117-S127
[13]Chuangjian Li; Jingtao Zhao(通讯作者); Suping Peng; Xiaoqin Cui; Peng Lin ; Separating and imaging diffractions of seismic waves in the full-azimuth dip-angle domain, Journal of Geophysics and Engineering, 2020, 17(2): 339-356
[14]Chuangjian Li; Suping Peng; Jingtao Zhao(通讯作者);Xiaoqin Cui ; Diffraction imaging using an adaptive phase filter, Geophysical Prospecting, 2020, 68(1): 164-177
[15]Chuangjian Li;Jingtao Zhao(通讯作者) ; Suping Peng; Peng Lin ; Enhancing Subsurface Diffractions Using Demigration Method, IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, 2021, 18(7): 1179-1183
[16]Peng Lin;Jingtao Zhao(通讯作者) ;Suping Peng; Xiaoqin Cui; Chuangjian Li; Dongjing Xu ; A Robust Adaptive Rank-Reduction Method for 3D Diffraction Separation and Imaging, Pure and Applied Geophysics, 2021, 178(8): 2917-2931
[17]Chuangjian Li; Jingtao Zhao(通讯作者);Suping Peng; Xiaoqin Cui ; Prestack diffraction separation in the common virtual source gather, Geophysics, 2021, 86(2): S113-S124
[18]Chuangjian Li; Jingtao Zhao(通讯作者) ; Suping Peng; Yanxin Zhou ; Diffraction imaging using a mathematical morphological filter with a time-varying structuring element, Geophysics, 2021, 86(3): S185-S196
[19]Peng Lin; Jingtao Zhao(通讯作者); Suping Peng;Low-rank diffraction separation using an improved MSSA algorithm, Acta Geophysica, 2021, 69(5): 1651-1665
[20]Peng Lin; Jingtao Zhao(通讯作者); Suping Peng; Xiaoqin Cui ; Diffraction separation by variational mode decomposition, Geophysical Prospecting, 2021, 69(5): 1070-1085
[21]Caixia Yu; Jingtao Zhao(通讯作者);Yanfei Wang ; Zhen Qiu;Sparse diffraction imaging method using an adaptive reweighting homotopy algorithm, Journal of Geophysics and Engineering, 2017, 14(1):26-40
[22]Caixia Yu; Jingtao Zhao(通讯作者);Yanfei Wang;Seismic detection method for small-scale discontinuities based on dictionary learning and sparse representation, Journal of Applied Geophysics, 2017, 137:55-62
[23]Caixia Yu; Jingtao Zhao(通讯作者); Yanfei Wang;Chengxiang Wang; Separation and imaging diffractions by a sparsity-promoting model and subspace trust-region algorithm, Geophysical Journal International, 2017, 208 (3): 1756-1763.
[24]赵惊涛;于彩霞;彭苏萍;马德波;李明;张研;基于稀疏反演的不连续及非均质地质体检测方法研究,地球物理学报, 2016, 59(9):3408-3416. (SCI)
[25]盛同杰;赵惊涛(通讯作者);彭苏萍;地震绕射波弱信号U-net网络提取方法,地球物理学报,2023, 66(3): 1192-1204 (SCI)
[26]赵惊涛;李明;张研;基于绕射波的储层预测方法及其应用. 石油学报, 2014, 35(5):901-907. (EI)
1. 《深部热储地球物理探测技术联合研究》 中国矿业大学出版社, 2024
2. 《地震绕射波勘探方法》 应急管理出版社, 2024
[1] Method and Apparatus for Identifying Collapsed coal column, 2019-5-28,美国, US10,302,788 B2
[2]Method and Device for Detecting Discontinuous Body With Ground Penetrating Radar, 2019-5-28,美国,US 10,302,758 B2.
[3]不连续非均质地质体检测方法和装置, 2017-2-22, 中国,ZL201410747830.0
[4]一种煤炭陷落柱识别方法和装置, 2016-12-21, 中国,ZL201610073638.7
[5]一种高分辨率地震波成像方法和装置, 2017-03-22, 中国,ZL201610074937.2
[6]绕射波的成像方法和装置, 2018-7-24, 中国,ZL201610991537.8
[7]绕射波聚焦能量的分析方法及装置, 2018-8-7, 中国,ZL201610988823.9
[8]绕射波的成像方法和装置, 2018-11-9, 中国,ZL201610988825.8
[9]一种小尺度不连续地质体检测方法和装置, 2017-7-28, 中国, ZL201610074830.8
[10]一种基于动力学特征的绕射波成像方法及装置, 2017-3-8, 中国, ZL201410515142.1
[11]地下水库坝体损伤探测方法及电子设备;2020-10-27,中国, ZL201810990646.7
[12]探地雷达不连续体的检测方法和装置;2018-07-24,中国, ZL201610991641.7
[13]一种神经网络的地热热储温度场模拟的方法;2023-08-01,中国, CN202310372772.7
[14]一种基于机器学习的海陆过渡相页岩气评价方法;2023-09-08,中国, CN202310372951.0
[15]小尺度地质异常体检测方法及装置;2020-11-13;中国, ZL 202010846124.7
1. 中国地球物理学会智能地球物理专业委员会委员 2022-至今;
2. 第一届绿色矿山青年学术委员会委员,2025-至今;
3. 城市与地下空间专业委员会委员,2024-至今;
4. JGE第二届青年编委,2025年至今;
5. 《石油物探》第九届编委会,2022年-2011年;
6. 矿业科学学报第二届编委,2022年-2023年
1. 中关村绿色矿山产业联盟一等奖(2019年、2024年)
2. 中国石油和化学工业联合会二等奖(2023)
3. 矿山生态修复创新团队成员(2022) .