About Us

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The College of Water Sciences (CWS), Beijing Normal University was formally founded in January 2005, on the initiative of two academicians of Chinese Academy of Sciences, i.e., hydrologist Changming Liu and hydrogeologist Xueyu Lin. Since then, the CWS has always been academics-oriented and actively adapted to the need of social development, with a focus on fostering the students’ research ability, practice ability, and team spirit. Our graduates can be found all over China and have been approved by many employers.

In the past few years, more than a hundred of research projects were successively completed, including those funded by the 973 Program, the 863 Program, the National Natural Science Foundation, the Major Project of the National Social Science Foundation, the National Science and Technology Support Program, the National Major Science and Technology Project of Water Pollution Control and Treatment, the Major Project of Beijing Municipal Science and Technology Commission, and the Beijing Municipal Natural Science Foundation. In addition, close cooperation and exchange relationships were established with many universities in the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom, Japan, and Australia.

Today, while Beijing Normal University is developed as a “Double First- Class” university in China, the CWS is also having great opportunities for development. Based on the joint efforts of all staff and students as well as the substantial support of all sectors of the society, the CWS will adhere to the spirit of the college motto “as good as water and be realistic and innovative”, firmly conduct the work of teaching, research, social services, and determine to make positive contributions to the blue water and sky and the ecological civilization of China!