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Research area:

1. The R&D, theories, methods and policies regarding cleaner production technology;

2. The electrochemical process, main physical field, pollutant transfer and transformation mechanism and online real-time monitoring technology of hydrometallurgical electrolysis;

3. The AI-based large set of technology and equipment of representative industries for reducing the source of waste water, waste gas and waste residue;

Personal resume

Education Background:

1972-1975 Undergraduate of Department of Water-heating Engineering of Tongji University

1978-1981 Master of School of Environmental Science and Engineering of Tsinghua University

1984-1988 Doctor of School of Civil Engineering of University of Texas at Austin

Main Work Experience:

1983-1984 Visiting Scholar at University of Delaware

1995-1997 Chief Engineer of Chinese Research Academy of Environmental Sciences

1997-2012 Vice President of Chinese Research Academy of Environmental Sciences

1994-2012 Director ofChina National Cleaner Production Centerof Chinese Research Academy of Environmental Sciences

After 2012 Director of Center for Heavy Metal Cleaner Production Engineering Technologies of Chinese Research Academy of Environmental Sciences

Scientific research

Representative Research Programs:

1. National Science and Technology Support Program (2012BAF03B03), Integration of Key Common Cleaner Production Technologies and Application Demonstration of Large-scale Industrialization of Complex Minerals of the Electrolytic Manganese Industry, taking charge of the Program from 2012 to 2015.

2. Major Science and Technology Program for Water Pollution Control and Treatment (2010ZX07212—006), Complete Technology Platform for Reducing Discharge of Heavy Metal Polluted Water of the Manganese-Zinc Hydrometallurgy Industry, taking charge of the Program from 2011 to 2015.

3. Special Fund for Technology Development and Research of Scientific Research Institutes of Ministry of Science and Technology of PRC (2010EG166314),Constant Leaching Reduction & Countercurrent Scrubbing[LYY1] and Automatic Control Technology in Follow-up Process of Electrolytic Manganese, presiding over the Program from 2010 to 2011.

4. National environmental protection technology documentGuideline on Available Technologies of Pollution Prevention and Control for EMM, presiding over the Program from 2009 to 2014.

5. Consulting Research Program of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, Comprehensive Assessment and Policy Suggestion of Cleaner Production Technology Process for Reducing Particular Pollutants, presiding over the Program in 2015.

6. Program of State Environmental Protection Administration of China, Assessment on Environment of "Manganese Triangle" and Countermeasure Research on Comprehensive Prevention and Control of Transboundary Environmental Pollution, presiding over the Program.

7. Program of State Environmental Protection Administration of China,Standards for Cleaner Production of 25 Industries, Presiding over the Program.

8. Program of the State Council, Generation and Discharge Coefficient of Industrial Pollutants of the First National Survey of Pollution Sources, presiding over the Program from 2008 to 2009.

9. Technical assistance program of the World Bank in China, Promoting the Cleaner Production of China, presiding over the Program from 1992 to 1996.

10. Program of State Environmental Protection Administration of China, Research on the Control of Industrial Pollution Sources, presiding over the Program.

Representative Academic Papers:

1. Fuyuan Xu, Linhua Jiang, Ning Duan et al.. Mass balance and quantitative analysis of cleaner production potential in a zinc electrolysis cellhouse. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2016,135:712-720.

2. Ke Xiao, Fuyuan Xu, Ning Duan et al.. The oxidative degradation of polystyrene resins on the removal of Cr(VI) from wastewater by anion exchange. Chemosphere, 2016,156:326-333.

3.Ke Xiao, Fuyuan Xu, Ning Duan et al.. Resin oxidization phenomenon and its influence factor during chromium (Ⅵ) removal from wastewater using gel-type anion exchangers. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2016,283:1349-1356.

4.Ke Xiao, Guimei Han, Ning Duan et al.. Evaluation of polyacrylic anion exchange resins on the removal of Cr(Ⅵ) from aqueous solutions. Royal Society of Chenistry, 2016,6:5233-5239.

5.Pengpeng Jiao, Fuyuan Xu, Ning Duan et al.. The inhibition effect of SeO2 on hydrogen evolution reaction in MnSO4-(NH4)2SO4 solution. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2016,41:784-791.

6.Fuyuan Xu, Zhigang Duan, Ning Duan et al.. Electrochemical analysis of manganese electrodeposition and hydrogen evolution from pure aqueous sulfate electrolytes with addition of SeO2. Journal of Electronanalytical Chemistry, 2015,741:149-156.

7.Baoping Xin, Ting Li, Ning Duan et al.. Reductive dissolution of manganese from manganese dioxide ore by autotrophic mixed culture under aerobic conditions. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2015,92:54-64.

8.Fuyuan Xu, Ning Duan et al.. Water balance analysis and wastewater recycling investigation in electrolytic manganese industry of China — A case study. Hydrometallurgy, 2014,149:12-22.

9.Bing Du, Ning Duan et al.. Recycling of electrolytic manganese solid waste in autoclaved bricks preparation in China. Journal of Material Cycles and Waste Management, 2014,16(2):258-269.

10.Ning Duan, Zhigang Dan, Fan Wang et al.. Electrolytic manganese metal industry experience based China’s new model for cleaner production promotion. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2011, 19(17-18): 2082-2087.


1. The equipment for automatically recognizing and sorting polluted cathode plate in follow-up process of electrolytic zinc, September 28, 2016, China, ZL201410498356.2

2. The equipment for automatically recognizing and sorting deformed cathode plate in follow-up process of electrolytic zinc, August 24, 2016, China, ZL201410498577.X

3. The equipment for automatically recognizing and sorting deformed cathode plate in follow-up process of electrolytic manganese, August 17, 2016, China, ZL201310596945.X

4. The method for reducing electrolyte on in-situ cathode plate used in electrolytic manganese, August 17, 2016, China, ZL201310595105.1

5. The equipment for automatically recognizing and sorting polluted cathode plate in follow-up process of electrolytic manganese, August 17, 2016, China, ZL201310598449.8

6. The method for reducing passivation solution on in-situ cathode plate used in electrolytic manganese, May 18, 2016, China, ZL201310597512.6

7. The equipment for spray needle-based countercurrent scrubbing polluted cathode plate in follow-up process of electrolytic zinc, May 18, 2016, China, ZL201410035169.0

8. The equipment for dry cleaning and collecting zinc sulfate crystal on cathode plate used in electrolytic zinc, May 4, 2016, China, ZL201410035934.9

9. The equipment for dry cleaning and recycling ammonium sulfate crystal on cathode plate, January 13, 2016, China, ZL201310685327.2

10. Automatic processing method for follow-up process of hydrometallurgical electrolytic manganese and hydrometallurgical electrolytic zinc, October 21, 2015, China, ZL201110460071.6


1. Duan Ning, Cleaner Production, Eco-industry and Circular Economy, Cleaner Production and Circular Economy: Conception, Methodology and Cases, Tsinghua University Press, 2006

2. Yu Xiuling, Duan Ning et al., Audit Technology Requirements for Cleaner Production of the Beer Industry, Cleaner Production and Circular Economy: Conception, Methodology and Cases, Tsinghua University Press, 2006

3. Duan Ning et al., Guideline on Review of Cleaner Production of Fertilizer Enterprises, Xinhua Publishing House, 2006

4. Sun Qihong, Duan Ning et al., Research on Circular Economy Development Strategy in China, Xinhua Publishing House, 2006

5. Duan Ning et al., Research and Development of Pollution Control Technology, China Environmental Science Press, 2000

Teaching experience

Doctoral Supervisor

Social service

1. Editor-in-chief ofGreen Industrial Processes(a special issue ofEngineering)

2. Vice President of China Industrial Energy Conservation and Clean Production Association

3. Vice President of Professional Committee of Industrial Ecological Economics and Technology of Chinese Society of Ecological Economics

4. Co-Chair of International Society of Selenium Research

5. Honorary Director of Committee of Experts of China National Resources Recycling Association

6. Associate Editor ofResearch of Environmental Sciences

Honorary award

1. Complete Technology and Equipment for Reducing Heavy Metal Polluted Water Source in the Process of Electrolytic Zinc, the First Prize of China Nonferrous Metals Industry Science and Technology Awards, 2015

2. Technology Research and Application of Making Autoclaved Bricks Based on Electrolytic Manganese Residue, the First Prize of Science and Technology Awards of China Association of Resource Comprehensive Utilization, 2012

3. Research on Accounting of Generation and Discharge Coefficient of Industrial Pollutants of the First National Survey of Pollution Sources, the First Prize of Environmental Protection Science and Technology Awards, 2009

4. Research on the Control of Industrial Pollution Sources, the Third Prize of National Prize for Progress in Science and Technology, 1998