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LIU Changming Academician

Liu Changming is the academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences who has been engaging in the research on hydrology, water resource, etc. As an advocate and pioneer of China in the field of hydrogeography research, he has promoted the development of research on hydrology and water resource, and made remarkable achievements in such aspects as hydrologic cycle, watershed production and confluence model, hydrological experiment, agricultural hydrology, forest hydrology, ecological and environmental hydrology and the impact of climate change and human activities on hydrology and water resource.


Liu Changming has been responsible for several "873" projects and key & major projects of National Natural Science Foundation of China as a chief or the personnel in charge. He has also published over 400 papers and monographs and over 100 SCI papers which have been quoted thousands of times at home and abroad, and won science and technology achievement awards at state and academic (provincial, ministerial) levels for 16 times.


Liu Changming has served as the director of Shijiazhuang Institute of Agricultural Modernization, Chinese Academy of Sciences, director of Faculty of Geoscience, Resources and Environment of Beijing Normal University, vice president of the Geographical Society of China, vice chairman of International Geographical Union (IGU), vice chairman of CNC-IAHS of International Hydrological Programme (IHP), etc. He also serves as the editor-in-chief ofActa Geographica SinicaandChinese Journal of Eco-Agriculture, as well as an editor of journals such asHydrological Processes,EcohydrologyandWater International.


Since 1978, Liu Changming has cultivated over 120 doctors and master students. He has been honored by the Chinese Academy of Sciences as Excellent Supervisor for several times.