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PANG Bo Associate Professor



Research area:

Urban Hydrology, Flood Risk, Hydrological Models, Hydrometeorology

Personal resume

Education Background:

Ph.D.  Hydrology and Water Resources, Wuhan University, Wuhan, China, 2006

M.S.    Hydrology and Water Resources, Wuhan University, Wuhan, China, 2003

B.E.    Hydrology and Water Resources, Wuhan University, Wuhan, China, 2001

Job experiences:

Aug 2012 to Present Associate Professor, College of Water Sciences, Beijing Normal University, China

Aug 2009 to Aug 2010    Postdoctoral, GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences, Potsdam, Germany

Aug 2006 to Jul 2012      Lecturer, College of Water Sciences, Beijing Normal University, China

Scientific research


Zhao, G.,Pang, B.*, Xu, Z.X., Peng, D.Z., Xu, L.Y. (2019).Assessment of urban flood susceptibility using semi-supervised machine learning mode, Science of the Total Environment, 659, 940-949.(corresponding author)

Zhao, G., Xu, Z.,Pang, B., Tu, T., Xu, L. & Du, L. (2019).An enhanced inundation method for urban flood hazard mapping at the large catchment scale. Journal of Hydrology.2019,571, p.873-882.

Pang, B., Yue J. J., Huang Z.Q., Zhang R.(2018).Parameter uncertainty assessment of a flood forecasting model using multiple objectives. Journal of Flood Risk Management, 2018, DOI:10.1111/jfr3.12493.

Zhao, G.,Pang, B.*, Xu, Z.X., Yue J.J., Tu, T.B. (2018).Mapping flood susceptibility in mountainous areas on a national scale in China, Science of the Total Environment, 615, 1133–1142.(corresponding author)

Ren M. F.,Pang, B.*,Xu Z. X., Yue J.J., Zhang R. (2018).Downscaling of daily extreme temperatures in the YarlungZangbo River Basin using machine learning techniques. Theoretical and Applied Climatology, DOI:10.1007/s00704-018-2552-z.(corresponding author)

Ren M. F., Xu Z. X.,Pang, B.,Liu, W.F., Du, L.G., Wang R. (2018).Assessment of satellite-derived precipitation products for the Beijing region. Remote Sensing, 10(12), 1914.

Li, C.H., Chi, K.,Pang, B., Tang, H.B.(2018).Reservior operation and water resouce utilization coordination in Hongshuihe basin. Proc. IAHS, 379, 125-129.

Xu, Z. X., Peng, D. Z., Sun, W. C.,Pang, B.,Zuo, D. P., Schumann, A., Chen, Y. B.(2018).Innovative water resources management – understanding and balancing interactions between humankind and nature. 8th International Symposium on Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM2018). International Association of Hydrological Sciences (IAHS). Proceedings of IAHS no. 379. 2018.

Duan, Q.Y., Xu, Z.X., et al. Prediction of the future climate and its uncertainty quantification. Science Press, 2017. (in Chinese)(Co-editor)

Pang, B., Yue J. J., Zhao G., He, R. (2017).Statistical Downscaling of Temperature with the Random Forest Model.Advances in Meteorology, Volume 2017, Article ID 7265178.

Yue, J. J.,Pang, B*., Xu Z. X., He, R. (2016).Estimating parameters of the variable infiltration capacity model using ant colony optimization. Water science &technology, 2016, 74(4), 985-993. (corresponding author)

Pang, B.*, He, R. (2014).Parameter estimation and Uncertainty Analysis of the Variable Infiltration Capacity model in the Xitiaoxi catchment. 6th International Conference on Flood Management. Brazilian Water Resources Association, Sao Paulo, Brazil.

He, R.,Pang, B*. (2014).Uncertainty Analyses of VIC Hydrological Model Based on GLUE Method. IAHS red book.

Xu, Z.X., Peng, D.Z.,Pang, B., Zhan, C.S., Yang, C.Advanced Hydrology. Beijing Normal University Publishing Group, 2013.

Pang, B.*, Xu, Z.X., Wu, W. (2012). Estimation of the ecological base flow of Wei River in Shaanxi province, Procidia environmental sciences,13,pp1559-1568.

Pang, B., Liang, Y. (2011).Application of an improved neural network to flood forecasting of the Lower Yellow River, the 4rd International Symposium on Computational Intelligence and Design.

Pang, B.(2011).Suspended sediment concentration estimation by a nonlinear perturbation model based on neural networks, the 3th International Conference on Intelligent Computing and Intelligent Systems.2011.

Pang, B., Liu, K., Jayakumar, K, Xu, Z.X. (2009).Sustainable urban water management in China through rainwater utilization-case study of Shenzhen municipality China, Proceedings of the 4th APHW Conference, the Asia Pacific Association of Hydrology and Water Resources.

Pang, B., Guo S. L., Xiong L.H., Li C. Q.(2007).A nonlinear perturbation model based on artificial neural network. Journal of Hydrology, 333 (2-4), 504-516.

Guo, S. L., Chen, H., Liu, P., andPang, B. (2005).A semi-distributed monthly water balance model and its application in climate change impact study in the middle and lower Yellow River basin,Water International, 30: 250-260.

Guo, S. L., Liu, P., Peng, D. Z., Zhang, H. G.,Pang, B.and Chen, H. (2005).Impacts of climate variability and change on hydrology and water resources in the Yellow River basin, In: Regional Hydrological Impacts of Climate Change - Impact Assessment and Decision Making. IAHS, Publication, 295, 157-166.

Teaching experience

Hydrology and Water Resource Science(2016-2018)

Advanced Hydrology(2010-2016)

Hydrological statistics (2007-2008, 2010-2018)

Social service

Deputy director of Hydrology institute

Honorary award

2016   Special award for postgraduate programme of Beijing Normal University

2016   Education & teaching achievement prize of Beijing Normal University (2nd Class)

2003   The First Prize of Technology Progress in Hubei Province (Rank 9)
