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ZHENG Lei Associate Professor



Research area:

Fateand control of emerging contaminants in aquatic ecosystems

Personal resume

Education Background:

2007~, Beijing Normal University, China,

Tutor in Environmental Engineering, Area of Specialization: Ecological Engineering

2001~2006, Harbin Institute of Technology, China,

Ph.D. in Environmental Engineering, 2006, Area of Specialization: Waste Utilization in Wastewater treatment

M.S. in Environmental Engineering, 2003, Area of Specialization: Wastewater Treatment

1997~2001, Hebei Institute of Architecture and Civil Engineering, China

B.A. in Water and Wastewater Engineering

Job experiences:

2007.1-2008.10, Postdoctor, College of Water Sciences, Beijing Normal University.

2008.11-2013.8,Lecturer,College of Water Sciences, Beijing Normal University

2011.8-2012.8 Visiting Scholar, Purdue University, Department of Agricultural and Biological Engineering

2013.9- A.Prof.College of Water Sciences, Beijing Normal University.

Scientific research


Lei Zheng,Xue Zhao,Guibing Zhu,Wei Yang,Chao Xia,Tao Xu. Occurrence and abundance of ammonia-oxidizing archaea and bacteria from the surface to below the water table, in deep soil, and their contributions to nitrification. Microbiology Open. 2017,488:1-9.

EnXie,AizhongDing,Lei Zheng.Chunlei Lu, Jinsheng Wang, Bingbin Huang, HaifengXiu.Seasonal variation in populations of nitrogen-transforming bacteria and correlation with nitrogen removal in a full scale horizontal flow constructed wetland treating polluted river water GeomicrobiologyJournal 2016,33(3- 4) :338-346.

Junfeng Dou, Jing Yuan, Aizhong Ding,EnXie,ShuairanLi ,Lei Zheng.Evaluation of poly-β-hydroxybutyrate as a sorbent material for the removal of spilled crude oil from water Desalination and Water Treatment 2015,57 (24) :1-9.

XieEn, Ding Aizhong, Dou Junfeng, Zheng Lei*, Yang Jin. Study on decaying characteristics of activated sludge from a circular plug-flow reactor using response surface methodology. Bioresource Technology. 2014, 170:428-35.

Qin Wei, Dou Junfeng, Ding Aizhong, XieEn, Zheng Lei. A study of subsurface wastewater infiltration systems for distributed rural sewage treatment. Environmental Technology. (SCI) 2014, 35(16): 2115-2121.

Zheng Lei, Tian Yu, Ding Aizhong. Spectral Analysis of Cd, Zn, and Pb Adsorption by extracellular polymeric substances from activated sludge. Journal of Residuals Science & Technology. 2012, 9(1):29-39.(SCI)

Zheng Lei, Tian Yu, Ding Aizhong, Wang Jinsheng. Adsorption of Cd(II),Zn(II) by extracellularpolymeric substances from waste activated sludge.Water Sci.&Tech. 2008, 58(1):195-200.

Tian Yu, Zheng Lei, Sun De-zhi. Evaluation of extracellular polymeric substances from waste sludgefor removal of heavy metals from contaminated soils.Journal of Residuals Science & Technology,

2007,4(3): 155-160.

Tian Yu, Zheng Lei, Sun De-zhi. Functions and behaviors of activated sludge extracellutar polymeric substances: a promising environmental interest.Journal of Environmental Science. 2006,


Zheng Lei, Ding Aizhong, Wang Jinsheng. Natural Wetlands Utilization for Un-collected VillageSewage Treatment.The 2ndInternational Conference on Bioinformatics and BiomedicalEngineering.hanghai, China, May 2008

Teaching experience


《Restoration of aquatic ecocystems》

Social service

Honorary award
