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YANG Kai Lecturer


Research area:

 Soil and water environment and pollution remediation

 Risk assessment of contaminated sites

Personal resume

 Education Background:

2012.08-2016.01, PhD in Environmental Sciences (Soil Science), Faculty of Agriculture and Environment, The University of Sydney, Sydney, Australia

2010.09-2012.06, Master’s Degree in Hydrology and Water Resources, College of Water Resources and Civil Engineering, China Agricultural University, Beijing, China

2006.09-2010.07, Bachelor’s Degree in Hydraulic and Hydropower Engineering, College of Water Resources and Civil Engineering, China Agricultural University, Beijing, China


Main work experience:

2020.07-present, Lecturer at College of Water Sciences, Beijing Normal University, Beijing, China

2018.09-2020.06, Postdoctoral Fellow at College of Urban and Environmental Sciences, Peking University, Beijing, China

2017.05-2018.09, Research Associate Professor at Advanced Materials Institute, Qilu University of Technology (Shandong Academy of Sciences), Jinan, China

2016.05-2017.05, Research Associate Professor at Advanced Materials Institute, Shandong Academy of Sciences, Jinan, China

Scientific research


Main research areas:

Heavy metal contaminated site remediation and health risk assessment

Ecological restoration of sandified lands

Sewage sludge sanitary landfill and land application

R&D of functional materials for water treatment


Selected research grants:

2020.01-2022.12, Effect of ageing process on the stability of cadmium and lead immobilized by biochars in multi-metal contaminated soils. Chief investigator. Funding body: National Natural Science Foundation of China (Youth Science Fund, grant no.: 41907095)

2020.10-2024.09, Control and remediation techniques for radionuclides contamination in uranium mining sites. Sub-program 1 of Program III: Preparation and application performance of slow-release chelating agents for remediation of radioactive contaminated soils. Chief investigator. Funding body: Ministry of Science and Technology (National Key R&D Program of China–Key Special Program, grant no.: 2020YFC1806603)

2020.01-2024.12, Environmental geochemical process, cross-interface transport, and multi-media partitioning of typical hazardous organic pollutants. Participant. Funding body: National Natural Science Foundation of China (Major Project, grant no.: 41991312)

2020.10-2022.09, Effect of aged Fe-impregnated biochar on stabilization of Cd and Pb and enzyme activities in contaminated soil. Chief investigator. Funding body: Beijing Normal University (Young Teachers Fund, grant no.: 2020NTST24)

2019.09-2020.09, Impact of ageing process on immobilization of soil heavy metals by biochar. Chief investigator. Funding body: Ministry of Education Laboratory for Earth Surface Processes (Youth Fund–Key Project)

2018.06-2020.06, Key technologies and integrated risk management and control of biosolids land application. Co-chief investigator. Funding body: Natural Science Foundation of Shanxi Province, China (Key R&D Plan–Social Development Field, grant no.: 201803D31049)

2016.11-2018.11, Effect of composted sewage sludge application on bioaccessibility and human health risk of trace metals in urban park soils. Chief investigator. Funding body: Natural Science Foundation of Shandong Province, China (PhD Fund, grant no.: ZR2016DB18)

2017.12-2019.12, Mechanism study of the effect of composted sewage sludge on the mobility and bioaccessibility of heavy metals in typical agricultural and park soils. Chief investigator. Funding body: Shandong Academy of Sciences, China (Youth Fund, grant no.: 2018QN0035)

2013.01-2014.12, Contemporary Lead in Urban Soil of Broken Hill, New South Wales: Distribution, Sources and Bioaccessibility. Chief investigator. Funding body: The University of Sydney, Australia (PhD Student Research Fund)


Published journal articles:

*Corresponding author

Kai Yang, Xilong Wang, Hefa Cheng, Shu Tao, 2021. Effect of aging on stabilization of Cd and Ni by biochars and enzyme activities in a historically contaminated alkaline agricultural soil simulated with wet–dry and freeze–thaw cycling. Environmental Pollution 268, 115846.

Kai Yang*, Zejun Tang, Jianzhang Feng, 2021. Coal fly ash and polyacrylamide influence transport and redistribution of soil nitrogen in a sandy sloping land. Agriculture 11, 47.

Kai Yang*, Zejun Tang, Jianzhang Feng, 2020. Effect of co-use of fly ash and granular polyacrylamide on infiltration, runoff, and sediment yield from sandy soil under simulated rainfall. Agronomy 10, 344.

Ying Zhu, Kai Yang*, Rongchang Jia, Yanqiu Shao, Aisheng Zhang, Xiaowei Yang, 2020. Effects of different additives and ambient conditions on acceleration of sludge stabilization: Laboratory-scale simulated landfill study. Journal of Environmental Engineering 146, 04020012.

Yanrong Zhang, Weike Zhang, Kai Yang, Yanqing Yang, Jia Jia, Ying Liang, Lijun Guo, 2020. Carbon nano-onions (CNOs)/TiO2 composite preparation and its photocatalytic performance under visible light irradiation. Journal of Environmental Engineering 146, 04020009.

Yanrong Zhang, Weike Zhang, Kai Yang, Yanqing Yang, Chuan Deng, Lijun Guo, 2020. BiOBr molecularly imprinted material preparation and its degradation performance for norfloxacin. Acta Scientiae Circumstantiae 40(3), 940-949. (in Chinese with English abstract).

Yitong Wang, Kai Yang*, Zejun Tang*, 2019. In situ effect of combined utilization of fly ash and polyacrylamide on sand stabilization in North China. Catena 172, 170-178.

Weike Zhang*, Ying Liang, Jiawei Wang, Yanrong Zhang, Zeyu Gao, Yanqing Yang, Kai Yang*, 2019. Ultrasound-assisted adsorption of Congo red from aqueous solution using Mg-Al-CO3 layered double hydroxide. Applied Clay Science 174, 100-109.

Weike Zhang, Yanrong Zhang, Kai Yang, Yanqing Yang, Jia Jia, Lijun Guo, 2019. Photocatalytic performance of SiO2/CNOs/TiO2 to accelerate the degradation of Rhodamine B under visible light. Nanomaterials 9, 1671.

Kai Yang*, Stephen R. Cattle, 2018. Contemporary sources and levels of heavy metal contamination in urban soil of Broken Hill, Australia after ad hoc land remediation. International Journal of Mining, Reclamation and Environment 32, 18-34.

Kai Yang, Tao Zhang, Yanqiu Shao, Chao Tian, Stephen R. Cattle, Ying Zhu, Jinjuan Song, 2018. Fractionation, bioaccessibility, and risk assessment of heavy metals in the soil of an urban recreational area amended with composted sewage sludge. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 15, 613.

Ying Zhu, Kai Yang*, Ranran Shan, Zhe Han, Yanqiu Shao, Chao Tian, 2018. The influence of humification degree of humic acid on its sorption of norfloxacin during sewage sludge composting. Water, Air, & Soil Pollution 229, 160.

Yanqiu Shao, Kai Yang, Rongchang Jia, Chao Tian, Ying Zhu, 2018. Degradation of triclosan and carbamazepine in two agricultural and garden soils with different textures amended with composted sewage sludge. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 15, 2557.

Kai Yang, Ying Zhu, Ranran Shan, Yanqiu Shao, Chao Tian, 2017. Heavy metals in sludge during anaerobic sanitary landfill: Speciation transformation and phytotoxicity. Journal of Environmental Management 189, 58-66.

Kai Yang*, Stephen R. Cattle, 2017. Effectiveness of cracker dust as a capping material for Pb-rich soil in the mining town of Broken Hill, Australia. Catena 148, 81-91.

Jiping Niu, Kai Yang, Zejun Tang, Yitong Wang, 2017. Relationships between soil crust development and soil properties in the desert region of North China. Sustainability 9, 725-739.

Yanqiu Shao, Changwen Du, Jianmin Zhou, Fei Ma, Ying Zhu, Kai Yang, Chao Tian, 2017. Quantitative analysis of different nitrogen isotope labelled nitrate in paddy soil using mid-infrared attenuated total reflectance spectroscopy. Analytical Methods 9, 5388-5394.

Yitong Wang, Kai Yang, Zejun Tang, Chao Chen, 2016. The effectiveness of the consolidated desert surface by mixing of fly ash and polyacrylamide in wind erosion control. Water, Air, & Soil Pollution 227, 429.

Kai Yang*, Stephen R. Cattle, 2015. Bioaccessibility of lead in urban soil of Broken Hill, Australia: A study based on in vitro digestion and the IEUBK model. Science of the Total Environment 538, 922-933.

Zhi Zhao, Zejun Tang, Kai Yang, Jingqi Liu, Li Xu, 2013. Metal transportation and accumulation in sandy soil amended by fly ash and PAM. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery 44(7), 83–89. (in Chinese with English abstract).

Zhi Zhao, Zejun Tang, Mangang Song, Kai Yang, 2013. A field trial of polyacrylamide and fly ash for modifying physical properties of sandy soil. Journal of Chinese Soil and Water Conservation 27(3), 178–183. (in Chinese with English abstract).

Kai Yang, Zejun Tang, 2012. Effectiveness of fly ash and polyacrylamide as a sand-fixing agent for wind erosion control. Water, Air, & Soil Pollution 223, 4065-4074.

Kai Yang, Zejun Tang, Zhi Zhao, Jianzhang Feng, Ping Guo, Tao Ding, 2012. Wind tunnel experimental study on sand-fixing effect of fly ash and polyacrylamide. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering 28(4), 54–59. (in Chinese with English abstract).

Kai Yang, Zejun Tang, 2012. Nitrogen distribution in deep soil of farmland in Beijing. Soil and Fertilizer Sciences in China (3), 22–25. (in Chinese with English abstract).


Teaching experience


Postgraduate degree subject course “Remediation Technologies and Risk Management for Contaminated Site”

Postgraduate degree subject course “Contaminant Hydrogeology”

Undergraduate general education course “Contamination and Remediation of Water and Soil Environment”

Social service

Honorary award


2018 Shandong Province 2nd Prize for Progress in Science and Technology “Key Technologies and equipment for cost-effective reduction and stabilization of sludge” awarded by Department of Science & Technology of Shandong Province

2017 Shandong Province 3rd Prize for Excellent Scientific and Technological Workers’ Advice on “Strategies for Soil Pollution Prevention and Remediation in Shandong Province” awarded by Shandong Association for Science & Technology

2018 China Postdoctoral International Exchange Program (Talent-Introduction Program) awarded by the National Postdoctoral Management Committee

2017 CleanUp Conference Scholarship for Students and Early-Career Researchers, Cooperative Research Centre for Contamination Assessment and Remediation of the Environment (CRC CARE)

2012 Outstanding Master’s Degree Dissertation awarded by China Agricultural University (10 Master’s graduates at the University are awarded every year)

2012 Beijing Outstanding Postgraduate awarded by Beijing Municipal Commission of Education
