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PAN Chengzhong Associate Professor



Research area:

Hillslope hydrology; soil erosion and sediment dynamics; river restoration and water management

My main research projects include:

1.  "The determination on river eco-flow and the optimal regulation on multi-inflows in Yongding River" from "River channel system restoration and demonstrations at Yongding River (Beijing section) "_ supported by China National Critical Project for Science and Technology on Water Pollution Prevention and Control, 5,950,000RMB budget, 2018.01-2020.12, leading researcher

2.  “The alternation of micro relief due to "Grain for Green"and its effect on soil erosion-deposition processes” supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China (41530858), 3,400,000RMB budget, 2017.01-2021.12, 1 of 4 leading researchers

3.  “The dynamics mechanism of hillslope-gully erosion and its response to the "Grain for Green" in the Loess Plateau of China” supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China (41771305), 750,000RMB budget, 2018.01-2021.12, leading researcher

4.  “The dynamics mechanism of grasses controlling soil erosion and their effectiveness in the Loess Plateau of China” supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China (41271285), 750,000RMB budget, 2013.01-2016.12, leading researcher

5.  “Overland flow hydraulics and its sediment transport capacity for vegetation slopeland” supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China (40801103), 200,000RMB budget, 2009.01-2011.12, leading researcher

6.   “Influence mechanism on forest vegetation on soil erosion by water” supported by Major State Basic Research Development Program (2002CB111502),4500,000RMB budget, 2002.01-2008.06,PHD

7.   “Relationship on forest and water resources and its influence mechanism in the arid and semi-arid area” supported by Major Program of National Natural Science Foundation of China (30230290), 1,600,000RMB budget, 2004.01-2007.12,PHD

Personal resume

Education Background:

Ph.D. --- Graduate University of Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) and Institute of Soil and Water Conservation, CAS. Major: Ecology, July 2007.

Dissertation title:Hillslope overland flow Hydraulics and its Response to Grassland Trapping Sediment

M.S. ---Graduate University of Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) and Institute of Soil Science, Soil and Water Conservation, CAS. Major: Ecology, July 2004.

Thesis title:Runoff and sediment processes on vegetated slopeland and its simulation

B.S. --- Northwest Sci-Tech University of Agriculture and Forestry, Major: Agricultural Hydraulic engineering, July 2001.

Thesis title:Water use efficiency of irrigation water resources in Shaanxiirrigation area

Job experiences:

·     Jan 2014 to Jan 2015 visiting scholar in Durham University, UK, cooperate with Prof. John Wainwright. focus on the model application and improvement on Dynamics of runoff-erosion model (DREAM) 

·     August2011topresentassociate professorinCollege of water science,BeijingNormalUniversity. Research areasmainly focus on soil erosion process and the effect of vegetation; hillslope-gully runoff erosion dynamics, and the effect of vegetation on runoff and sediment processes at different temporal and spatial scales.

·     July 2007toJuly 2011Lecturer inCollege of water science,BeijingNormalUniversity. Research areasmainly focus on water resources planning and managementandwater ecology.Conductingresearch on division of Chinese major rivers according to different functions of stream segments, and some experiment on water quantity and qualityinWeiheRiver Basin, and the influence of cross-basin water transfer engineering on eco-environment inInner Mongolia Autonomous Region.

·     October 2008 to February 2009Engineer in division of water resources,Ministry of Water Resources of China government.Beingfamiliar withwater resourcemanagementand protection inChina.

·     August2004toJuly2007Ph.D. Graduate Student Research Assistant (Major:Ecology) in theinstitute of Soil and water conservation, ChineseacademyofSciences(Supervisor’s Name: ZP Shangguan)


Scientific research


1.    T.J. Wu, C.Z. Pan*, C.J. Li, et al., A field investigation on ephemeral gully erosion processes under different upslope inflow and sediment conditions. Journal of Hydrology, 2019, 572: 517-527.

2.    M. Luo, C.Z. Pan*, C. Zhan, Diagnosis of the structural characteristics change of streamflow series based on the selection of complexity measure methods: A case study of Fenhe River Basin, China, Journal of Hydrologic Engineering, 2019, 24(2). DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)HE.1943-5584.0001748

3.    C.J. Li, C.Z. Pan*, The relative importance of different grass components in controlling runoff and erosion on a hillslope under simulated rainfall, Journal of Hydrology, 2018 558:90–103

4.    C.Z. Pan, L. Ma, J. Wainwright. Particle selectivity of sediment deposited over grass barriers and the effect of rainfall, Water Resources Research, 2016, 52: 7963-7979.

5.    C.Z. Pan, L. Ma, J. Wainwright, .Z.P. Shangguan. Overland flow resistances on varying slope gradients and partitioning on grassed slopes under simulated rainfall, Water Resources Research, 2016, 52:2490-2512.doi:10.1002/2015WR018035

6.    C.Z. Pan, Z.P. Shangguan, L. Ma,.Assessing the dye-tracer correction factor for documenting the mean velocity of sheet flow over smooth and grassed surfaces. Hydrological Processes, 2015,29:5369–5382. doi: 10.1002/hyp.10565 

7.    L. Ma, C.Z. Pan(*), Y. Teng, Z. Shangguan, The performance of grass filter strips in controlling high-concentration suspended sediment from overland flow under rainfall/non-rainfall conditions, Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 2013, 38: 1523-1534

8.    C.Z Pan, L. Ma, Z. Shangguan, A Ding. Determining the sediment trapping capacity of grass filter strips. .Journal of Hydrology, 2011, 405: 209-216. doi:10.1016/j.jhydrol.2011.05.027

9.    C.Z. Pan, L. Ma, Z.P. Shangguan. Effectiveness of grass strips in trapping suspended sediments from runoff. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms,2010, 35: 1006-1013

10.  C.Z. Pan, Z.P. Shangguan. Runoff hydraulic characteristics and sediment generation in sloped grassplots under simulated rainfall conditions. Journal of Hydrology, 2006, 331: 178-185

11.  C.Z. Pan, Z.P. Shangguan, T.W. Lei. Influences of grass and moss on runoff and sediment yield on sloped loess surfaces under simulated rainfall. Hydrological Processes, 2006, 20 (18): 3815-3824

12.  P. Tian, X.Y. Xu, C.Z. Pan(*), Kuolin Hsu. The impacts of rainfall and inflow on rill formation and erosion contribution on steep hillslopes. Journal of Hydrology,2017, 548 : 24–39

13.  C.J. Li, C.Z.Pan(*). A field investigation on runoff and erosion processes on grassed hillslopes under simulated rainfall. Catena,(major revision)

14.  X.Y. Xu, L.L. Bin, C.Z. Pan(*). Optimal Reoperation of Multi-Reservoirs for Integrated Watershed Management with Multiple Benefits. Water, 2014, 6, 796-812; doi:10.3390/w6040796

15.  C.Z. Pan, Z.P. Shangguan. Experimental study on runoff and erosion processes on vegetation slopeland. In: C.H. Hu (ed) Proceedings of the Ninth International Symposium on River Sedimentation, 2004, Vol.4, pp. 2330-2334.

16.  Pan CZ, Shangguan ZP, Liu GB. Soil quality evolvement of farming-withdrawn grassland in hilly and gully loess region.ActaEcologicaSinica, 2006, 26 (3): 690-696. (in Chinese with English abstract)

17.  Pan CZ, Shangguan ZP. Influence of forage grass on hydrodynamic characteristics of slope erosion. Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, 2005, (3): 371-377. (in Chinese with English abstract)

18.  Pan CZ, Shangguan ZP. Generation mechanism of woodland runoff and sediment on Loess Plateau under hypo-rainfall -- A case study of plantation P. tabulaeformis and secondary natural P. dadidiana stands. Chinese Journal of Applied Ecology, 2005, 16 (9): 1597-1602. (in Chinese with English abstract)

19.  Pan CZ, Shangguan ZP. Spatial variability of soil moisture, nutrients and productivity on slopeland in loessial semiarid region. Chinese Journal of Applied Ecology, 2004, 15 (11): 2061-2066. (in Chinese with English abstract)

20.  Pan CZ, Shangguan ZP. Experimental study on runoff and erosion processes on vegetation slope. Proceedings of the ninth international symposium on river sedimentation, 2004, 1-4: 2330-2334.

21.  Pan CZ, Shangguan ZP. Soil texture influence on plot runoff and sediment yield in processes on the loessial region. Journal of Chinese Soil and Water Conservation, 2004, 35 (1): 45-52. (in Chinese with English abstract)

22.  Pan CZ, Shangguan ZP. Spatial variability of soil moisture on steep slopeland in loess hill region. Transactions of the CSAE, 2003, 19 (3): 5-9. (in Chinese with English abstract)

Teaching experience

·     11years of teaching experience in Watershed Ecology (mainly focus on hillslope hydrology, soil erosion, eco-hydrology, hydrological and sediment process at watershed scale for postgraduates in BeijingNormalUniversityfrom 2007-2018.

·     6 years of teaching experience in Water Resources Assessment &Management for postgraduates in Beijing Normal University from 2007-2013.

Social service

More than 3 technical research reports were prepared and submitted to Chinagovernment:

(1) Functional division forChinamajorrivers, submitting to China Ministry of Water Resources

(2) Regional planning of China environment function (PartⅢ:water environment), submitting toChina Ministry of Environmental Protection

(3) The coordination mechanism on water resources protection management ofChina, submitting to China Ministry of Water Resources

Honorary award

1.    Received a1st prizeof Science and Technology Progress in ShaanxiProvince(order: 3/3)fromthe government ofShaanxiProvincein Jan. 2011.

2.    Received aOutstanding Student Awardfrom Graduate University of Chinese AcademyofSciences(GUCAS)and Australia Billiton company (BHP) in Jan. 2006.


Dr. Pan would like to cooperate with researchers from different areas, and is currently recruiting for Master or PhD students in hillslope hydrology or river restoration.