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PENG Dingzhi Professor

TEL:+86 (0)10 5880 1134

Research area:

 Hydrology and Water Resources

Personal resume



Education Background

Ph.D., Hydrology and Water Resources, Wuhan University, China, 2005.

B.E., Economics, Wuhan University, China, 2000.

B.E., Hydrology and Water Resources, Wuhan University of Hydraulic and Electric Engineering, China, 2000.

Job Experiences

7/2005- present, Lecturer, Associate Professor, Professor, College of Water Science, Beijing Normal University.

2021, Deputy Director, Beijing Tongzhou District Ecological Environmental Bureau.

2018-2021, Deputy Director, Office of Science and Technology, Beijing Normal University.

2014, Visiting Scholar, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan.

2007, 2011, Research Associate, University of Hong Kong.

2008. Postdoctoral Research Associate, University of Bristol, United Kingdom.


Scientific research


Selected Research Grants:

1.     Sub Work Package 6: Decision support platform and demonstration of real-time flood dispatching in Beijing,National Key Research & Development Plan, 2017YFC1502706, 2018-2021. (Awarded RMB 570, 000). PI.

2.     Evolution mechanism of hydrological cycle under climate change in the Lhasa River, National Natural Science Foundation, 51779006, 2018-2021. (Awarded RMB 600, 000). PI.

3.     Study of climate change impact on hydrology and water resources in the Yarlung Zangbo River basin, National Natural Science Foundation, 91647202, 2017-2020. (Awarded RMB 3, 250, 000). co-PI.

4.     Development of the early warning and forecasting model of torrential floods in typical areas of Beijing, China Institute of Water Resources and Hydropower Research, 2016-2018. (Awarded RMB 450, 000). PI.

5.     Sub Work Package 1:Analysis of climate change scenarios and response of water cycle to climate change in the Taihu basin, National Science and Technology Support Program, 2012-2015. (Awarded RMB 630, 000). PI.

6.     Flood emergency dispatch in the Longtan Reservior, Hydrology Bureau of Pearl River Conservancy Commission, Ministry of Water Resources, 2012-2013. (Awarded RMB 120, 000). PI.

7.     Scientific Research Foundation for the Returned Overseas Chinese Scholars, Ministry of Education, 2010-2011. (Awarded RMB 30, 000). PI.

8.     Open Fund of State Key Laboratory of Water Resources and Hydropower Engineering Science, Wuhan University, 2009-2010. (Awarded RMB 40, 000). PI.

9.     Open Fund of State Key Laboratory of Hydrology Water Resources and Hydraulic Engineering, Hohai University, 2008-2009. (Awarded RMB 30, 000). PI.

10. Work Package 2: Application of the distributed hydrological model in the flood forecasting. National Key Technology Research & Development Program, 2005-2007. (Awarded RMB 100, 000). PI.

Papers in Refereed International Journals

1.     Deng C N, Li H S*,Peng D Z, Liu L S*, Zhu Q H, Li C J. 2021. Modelling the coupling evolution of the water environment and social economic system using PSO-SVM in the Yangtze River Economic Belt, China.Ecological Indicators129, 108012. doi: 10.1016/j.ecolind.2021.108012.

2.     Zuo D P, Han Y N*, Xu Z X*, Li P J, Ban C G, Sun W C, Pang B,Peng D Z, Kan G Y, Zhang R, Yang H. 2021. Time-lag effects of climatic change and drought on vegetation dynamics in an alpine river basin of the Tibet Plateau, China.Journal of Hydrology600, 126532. doi: 10.1016/j.jhydrol.2021.126532.

3.     Deng C N, Liu L S, Li H S*,Peng D Z*, Wu Y F, Xia H J, Zhang Z Q, Zhu Q H. 2021. A data-driven framework for spatiotemporal characteristics, complexity dynamics, and environmental risk evaluation of river water quality.Science of The Total Environment785, 147134. doi: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2021.147134.

4.     Zhao G*, Pang B*, Xu Z X, Cui L Z, Wang J J, Zuo D P,Peng D Z. 2021. Improving urban flood susceptibility mapping using transfer learning.Journal of Hydrology602, 126777. doi: 10.1016/j.jhydrol.2021.126777.

5.     Deng C N, Liu L S,Peng D Z*, Li H S*, Zhao Z Y, Lyu C J, Zhang Z Q. 2021. Net anthropogenic nitrogen and phosphorus inputs in the Yangtze River economic belt: spatiotemporal dynamics, attribution analysis, and diversity management.Journal of Hydrology597, 126221. doi: 10.1016/j.jhydrol.2021.126221.

6.     Zhao G, Pang B*, Xu Z X,Peng D Z, Zuo D P. 2020. Urban flood susceptibility assessment based on convolutional neural networks.Journal of Hydrology590, 125235. doi: 10.1016/j.jhydrol.2020.125235.

7.     Li P J, Zuo D P*, Xu Z X, Gao X X,Peng D Z, Kan G Y, Sun W C, Pang B, Yang H. 2020. Impact of urbanization on variability of annual and flood season precipitation in a typical city of North China.Hydrology Research51(5), 1150-1169. doi: 10.2166/nh.2020.176.

8.     Zhu Z F, Hei P F, Dou J,Peng D Z*. 2020. Evaluating different methods for determining the velocity-dip position over the entire cross section and at the centerline of a rectangular open channel.Entropy22(6), 605. doi: 10.3390/e22060605.

9.     Zuo D P, Cai S Y, Xu Z X*,Peng D Z*, Kan G Y, Sun W C, Yang H. 2019. Assessment of meteorological and agricultural droughts using in-situ observations and remote sensing data.Agricultural Water Management222, 125-138. doi: 10.1016/j.agwat.2019.05.046.

10. Zhu Z F,Peng D Z, Wang H R*. 2019. Seawater desalination in China: an overview.Journal of Water Reuse and Desalination9(2), 115-132. doi: 10.2166/wrd.2018.034.

11. Zhu Z F, Yu J S, Dou J,Peng D Z*. 2019. An expression for velocity lag in sediment-laden open-channel flows based on Tsallis entropy together with the principle of maximum entropy.Entropy21(5), 522. doi: 10.3390/e21050522.

12. Zhao G, Pang B*, Xu Z X,Peng D Z, Xu L Y. 2019. Assessment of urban flood susceptibility using semi-supervised machine learning model.Science of the Total Environment659, 940-949. doi: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2018.12.217.

13. Zhu Z F*, Wang H R, Pang B, Dou J,Peng D Z*. 2019. Comparison of conventional deterministic and entropy-based methods for predicting sediment concentration in debris flow.Water11(3), 439. doi: 10.3390/w11030439.

14. Liu X W, Xu Z X*,Peng D Z. 2019. Spatio-temporal patterns of vegetation in the Yarlung Zangbo River, China during 1998-2014.Sustainability11(16), 4334. doi: 10.3390/su11164334.

15. Liu X W, Xu Z X*,Peng D Z, Wu G C. 2019. Influences of the North Atlantic Oscillation on extreme temperature during the cold period in China.International Journal of Climatology39(1), 43-49. doi: 10.1002/joc.5779.

16. Zhu Z F,Peng D Z*. 2019. Using Shannon entropy to model turbulence-induced flocculation of cohesive sediment in water.Environmental Science and Pollution Research26(1), 959-974. doi: 10.1007/s11356-018-3462-4.

17. Qiu L H,Peng D Z*, Chen J. 2018. Diagnosis of evapotranspiration controlling factors in the Heihe River basin, Northwest China.Hydrology Research49(4), 1292-1303. doi: 10.2166/nh.2017.156.

18. Liu X W,Peng D Z*, Xu Z X. 2017. Identification of the impacts of climate changes and human activities on runoff in the Jinsha River basin, China.Advances in Meteorology. doi: 10.1155/2017/4631831.

19. Qiu L H,Peng D Z*, Xu Z X, Liu W F. 2016. Identification of the impacts of climate changes and human activities on runoff in the upper and middle reaches of the Heihe River basin, China.Journal of Water and Climate Change7(1), 251-262. doi:10.2166/wcc.2015.115.

20. Peng D Z*, Xu Z X, Qiu L H, Zhao W M. 2016. Distributed rainfall-runoff simulation for an unclosed river basin with complex river system: a case study of lower reach of the Wei River, China.Journal of Flood Risk Management9, 169-177. doi: 10.1111/jfr3.12121.

21. Peng D Z*, Qiu L H, Fang J, Zhang Z Y. 2016. Quantification of climate changes and human activities that impact runoff in the Taihu Lake basin, China.Mathematical Problems in Engineering. doi:10.1155/2016/2194196.

22. Peng D Z*, Chen J, Fang J. 2015. Simulation of summer hourly stream flow by applying TOPMODEL and two routing algorithms to the sparsely gauged Lhasa River basin in China.Water7(8), 4041-4053. doi: 10.3390/w7084041.

23. Zuo D P, Xu Z X*,Peng D Z, Song J X, Cheng L, Wei S K, Abbaspour K C, Yang H. 2015. Simulating spatiotemporal variability of blue and green water resources availability with uncertainty analysis.Hydrological Processes29, 1942-1955. doi: 10.1002/hyp.10307.

24. Qiu L H, You J J, Qiao F,Peng D Z*. 2014. Simulation of snowmelt runoff in the ungauged basin based on MODIS: A case study in Lhasa River basin.Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment28(6), 1577-1585. doi: 10.1007/s00477-013-0837-4.

25. Zhu D H,Peng D Z*, Cluckie I. 2013. Statistical analysis of error propagation from radar rainfall to hydrological models.Hydrology and Earth System Sciences17, 1445-1453. doi:10.5194/hess-17-1445-2013.

26. Peng D Z, Xu Z X*. 2010. Simulating the impact of climate change on streamflow in the Tarim River basin by using a modified semi-distributed monthly water balance model.Hydrological Processes24, 209-216. DOI: 10.1002/hyp.7485.

27. Peng D Z, Guo S L*, Liu P, Liu T. 2006. Reservoir storage curve estimation based on remote sensing data.Journal of Hydrologic Engineering11(2), 165-172. doi: 10.1061/(ASCE)1084-0699(2006)11:2(165).

28. Peng D Z, Xiong L H*, Guo S L, Shu N. 2005. Study of Dongting Lake area variation and its influence on water level using MODIS data.Hydrological Sciences Journal50(1), 31-44. doi: 10.1623/hysj.

29. Hu C H, Guo S L*, Xiong L,Peng D Z. 2005. A modified Xinanjiang model and its application in northern China.Nordic Hydrology36(2), 175-192.

30. Guo S L*, Zhang H G, Chen H,Peng D Z, Liu P, Pang B. 2004. A reservoir flood forecasting and control system for China.Hydrological Sciences Journal49(6), 959-972.

Teaching experience


Advanced Hydrology, Hydrology and Water Resources Science, Hydrological forecasting, Hydrological model, River Dynamics


Social service



1.     Committee member, Hydrometeorology Committee, China Meteorological Society.

2.     Editorial board, Water Resources and Hydropower Engineering.

3.     Reviewer of Journals:Water Resources Research,Remote Sensing of Environment,Journal of Hydrology,Hydrology and Earth System Sciences,Scientific Reports,Resources, Conservation & Recycling,Science of the Total Environment,International Journal of Climatology,Water Resources Management,Journal of Great Lakes Research,Hydrological Sciences Journal,Journal of Hydrologic Engineering,Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment,Journal of Hydro-environment Research,Hydrology Research,etc.


Honorary award


1.     Special Class of the Graduate Courses Prize in Beijing Normal University (2015)

2.     First Prize of Science and Technology Development in Hubei Province (2003)
