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LIU Haijun Professor



Research area:

(1) Sap flow and evapotranspiration-measurements and modeling

(2) SPAC system in farmland and forest

(3) Microclimate changes caused by irrigation methods and cultivated environment

(4) Fertilizer and irrigation managementsand crops’ responses

(5) Modeling and evaluating climate change’s effects on agricultural production

Personal resume

Education Background:

1993-1997B.ScInstitute of Water Resources and Hydro-Electric Engineering, Xi’an University of Technology

1997-2000M.ScAgricultural Engineering, Farmland Irrigation Institute,Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences

2000-2003Ph.DAgricultural Engineering, Institute of Geographical Science and Natural Resources Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences


Job experiences:

2018-present Professor, Head of the Department of Hydrology and Water Resource Research, College of Water Sciences, Beijing Normal University, China

2007-2018Associate Professor, College of Water Sciences, Beijing Normal University, China

2015-2016  Visiting scholar, The University of Oklahoma, USA

2006-2007  Lecturer, College of Water Sciences, Beijing Normal University, China

2005-2006Visiting Post Doctor,Institute of Soil, Water and Environmental Sciences, Agricultural Research Organization, the Volcanic Center, Israel

2004-2006Post Doctor, College of Water Resources and Civil Engineering, China Agricultural University, China

2003-2004 Assistant professor, Institute of Geographical Sciences and Natural Resources Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China

Scientific research


1.        Yang HY,Liu HJ*, Zheng JH, Huang QZ. Effects of regulated deficit irrigation on yield and water productivity of chili pepper (Capsicum annuum L.) in the arid environment of Northwest China. Irrigation Science, 2018, 36(1):61-74.

2.        Liu HJ, Zhang LW, Zhang RH, Wang XM and Li Y. In situ method for measurement of the stem flow of maize. International Journal of Plant & Soil Science, 2017, 19(1): 1-7.

3.        Liu HJ, Wang XM, Zhang X, Zhang LW, Li Y, Huang GH. Evaluation on the responses of maize (Zea mays L.) growth, yield and water use efficiency to drip irrigation water under mulch condition in the Hetao Irrigation District of China. Agricultural Water Management, 2017, 179:144-157.

4.        Wang J, Huang GH, Li JS, Zheng JH, Huang QZ,Liu HJ. Effect of soil moisture-based furrow irrigation scheduling on melon (Cucumismelo L.) yield and quality in an arid region of Northwest China. Agricultural Water Management, 2017, 179:167-176.

5.        Li Y,Liu HJ*, Huang GH. The effect of N rates on yields and nitrogen use efficiencies during four years of wheat-maize rotation cropping seasons. Agronomy Journal. 2016, 108(5):2076-2088

6.        Li Y,Liu HJ*, Huang GH, Zhang RH, Yang HY. Nitrate nitrogen accumulation and leaching pattern at a winter wheat summer maize cropping field in the North China Plain. Environ Earth Sci, 2016, 75(118):1-12 (DOI 10.1007/s12665-015-4867-8)

7.        Wang XP, Huang GH, Yang JS, Huang QZ,Liu HJ, Yu LP. An assessment of irrigation practices: Sprinkler irrigation of winter wheat in the North China Plain Agricultural Water Management, 2015, 159:197-208

8.        Liu HJ, Cohen S, Lemcoff JH, Israeli Y, Tanny J. Sap flow, canopy conductance and microclimate in a banana screenhouse. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 2015, 201:165-175

9.        Liu HJ, Zhang X, Zhang LW, Wang XM. Changing trends in  meteorological elements and reference evapotranspiration in a big city: A case study in Shenzhen City, China. Advances in Meteorology, 2015

10.     Wang XM,Liu HJ*, Zhang LW, Zhang RH. Climate change trend and its effects on reference evapotranspiration (ETo) at Linhe station, Hetao irrigation district, Water Science and Engineering, 2014,7(3):250-266

11.     Liu HJ, Li Y, Tanny J, Zhang R, Huang G. Quantitative estimation of climate change effects on potential evapotranspiration from 1951 to 2010 in Beijing region of North China. Journal of Geographical Sciences, 2014, 24(1):93-112.

12.     Hou LZ, Wenninger J, Shen J, Zhou Y, Bao H,Liu HJ. Assessing crop coefficients for Zea mays in the semi-arid Hailiutu River catchment, northwest China. Agricultural Water Management, 2014, 140:37-47

13.     Liu HJ, LI Y, Zhang R, Huang G. Evaluation and modification of potential evapotranspiration methods in Beijing, China. International Journal of Agricultural and Biological Engineering, 2013, 6(4):9-18

14.     Zheng J, Huang G, Jia D, Wang J, Mota M, Pereira LS, Huang Q, Xu X,Liu HJ. Responses of drip irrigated tomato (Solanumlycopersicum L.) yield, quality and water productivity to various soil matric potential thresholds in an arid region of Northwest China. Agricultural Water Management, 2013, 129:181– 193

15.     Liu HJ, Kang Y, Yao S, Sun Z, Liu S, Wang Q. Field evaluation on water productivity of winter wheat under sprinkler or surface irrigation in the north china plain. Irrigation and Drainage, 2013,62:37-49, DOI: 10.1002/ird.1712

16.     Gao J, Wang HX,Liu HJ, Yin J, Zhao X. Effects of reclaimed water irrigation upon soil quality. Advanced Materials Research, 2013, Vols. 610-613:3022-3026.

17.     Zheng J, Huang G, Wang J, Huang Q, Pereira LS, Xu X,Liu HJ. Effects of water deficits on growth, yield and water productivity of drip-irrigated onion (Allium cepa L.) in an arid region of Northwest China. Irrigation Science, 2013, 31:995-1008, DOI 10.1007/s00271-012-0378-5

18.     Liu HJ, Yang H, Zheng J, Jia D, Wang J, Li Y, Huang G. Irrigation scheduling strategies based on soil matric potential on yield and fruit quality of mulched-drip irrigated chili pepper in Northwest China. Agricultural Water Management, 2012, 115:232-241

19.     Liu HJ, Yu L, Luo Y, Wang X, Huang G. Responses of winter wheat (Triticumaestivum L.) evapotranspiration and yield to sprinkler irrigation regimes. Agricultural Water Management. 2011, 98(4):483-492

Teaching experience

1.   Soil Water Dynamics (for graduate and doctoral students)

2.   Cutting-edge issues and countermeasures on water resources (for undergraduate students)

3.   Hydrology and Water Resources Seminar (for doctoral students with Prof Guoqiang Wang)

Social service

1.   Member of Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences

2.   Member of American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineering

Honorary award
