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FU Yongshuo Professor


Research area:

global change ecology, vegetation phenology; ecohydrology

Personal resume


Education background

10/2007-07/2012, University of Antwerp, Belgium, PhD of global change ecology

07/2004-09/2007, Beijing Normal University, master of environmental science

09/1999-07/2003, Shanxi University, bachelor of environmental engineering

Main work experience

2017-now, Beijing Normal University, Professor,

2016-10/2017, University of Antwerp, Belgium, Marie-Curie fellowship

2012-2016, Peking University, Excellent postdoctoral fellowship

2007-2012, University of Antwerp, Belgium, Research assistant

Scientific research


Main research interests and research directions

1. Vegetation phenology: using natural and controlled experiments to study the response and feedback of vegetation phenology to climate change;

2. Remote sensing ecology and ecosystem ecology: ecosystem structure and function study using near-surface and satellite remote sensing;

3. Big data statistical analysis: mainly involved in data analysis and modeling;

4. Vegetation hydrologic process: focusing on the impact of vegetation dynamics on terrestrial ecosystem hydrologic processes;

Representative research projects

1. National Talent Program in 2017;

2. NSFC project, Response and simulation of temperate vegetation phenology to climate change in China, 01/2018 – 12/2022;

3. Principal investigator of the special sub-project of the ministry of science and technology, "global change drives the interaction of natural and human elements on the continental surface and regional performance";

4. Vegetation phenology and terrestrial hydrology processes, 06/2018 – 05/2021;

Selected publications

      1. Yongshuo H Fu; et al, 2015, Declining global warming effects on the phenology of spring leaf unfolding. Nature, 2015, 526:104-107. DOI: 10.1038/nature15402.

      2. Yongshuo H Fu*,et al, 2014, Variation in leaf flushing date influences autumnal senescence and next year's flushing date in two temperate tree species. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America (PNAS);2014,111(20):7355-60.

      3. Yongshuo H Fu*, et al, 2019, Daylength helps temperate deciduous trees to leaf‐out at the optimal time, Global change biology 25 (7), 2410-2418

4. Geng X, et al, Yongshuo H Fu*, et al, 2020, Extended growing season reduced river runoff in Luanhe River basin, Journal of Hydrology, 124538.

      5. Yongshuo H Fu*, et al, 2018,Larger temperature response of autumn leaf senescence than spring leaf-out phenology, Global Change Biology, DOI:10.1111/gcb.14021.

      6. Yongshuo H Fu*,et al.2016, Three times greater weight of daytime than of nighttime temperature on leaf unfolding phenology in temperate trees, New phytologist, 212, 590–597.

       7. Yongshuo H Fu; et al.2015, Increased heat requirement for leaf flushing in temperate woody species over 1980-2012: effects of chilling, precipitation and insolation, Global Change Biology, DOI: 10.1111/gcb.12863.

Teaching experience

Social service


1. Editorial members of several journals: Global change biology (Editorial Advisory Board); New phytologist (Board of Advisors); Frontiers in plant science (guest associate editor); Journal of Beijing Normal University (Natural Science, Editorial Advisory Board);

2. Member of the European Geographical Union; International Biometeorological Society;

3. Reviewers of SCI journals (> 30) such as Nature Climate change, Nature communication, PNAS, Global change biology, Global ecology and biogeography, Ecology, Ecology letters, Agriculture and forest meteorology, JGR, GRL, Ecological modeling et al;

Honorary award


Excellent postdoctoral fellowship, Peking University

EU Marie Curie fellowship
