Magali Furlan Nehemy Lectures


Research area:

dendrochronology and ecohydrology

Personal resume

Education Background:

Bachelor  2009-2015  Universidade de São Paulo- UNESP  Forestry Engineering

Master  2015-2017  UsaskEnvironmental and Sustainnability

Phd  2017-nowUsaskEnvironmental and Sustainnability

Job experiences:

201809   MWS Program assistant

Scientific research

Main articles published in scientific journal:

Nehemy, M. F., Millar, C., Janzen, K., Gaj, M., Pratt, D. L., Laroque, C. P. and McDonnell, J.J. 17O- excess as a detector for co-extracted organics in vapor analyses of plant isotope signatures. Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry. 2019. doi: 10.1002/rcm.8470.(1)

Nehemy, M. F. and Laroque, C. P. Tree-ring analysis of larch sawfly (Pristiphora erichsonii (Hartig)) defoliation events and hydrological growth suppression in a peatland. Dendrochronologia. 2018. doi:10.1016/j.dendro.2018.06.006.(2)

Nehemy, M. F. and Laroque, C. P. Eastern larch and black spruce radial growth response to water-table thresholds: Tree-ring reconstruction of peatland water-table level. To be submitted to Hydrological Processes in July 2019.(3)


Plant water source and transit-time distribution: High-resolution controlled lysimeter experiment, PhD research project conducted in collaboration with Ecohydrology Laboratory - École polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL), Switzerland, Dr. Andrea Rinaldo and Dr. Paolo Benettin, PhD Scholarship - NSECR CREATE Water for Water Security ($50,0000), Started: 2018/01 – ongoing, 1.

Investigating the influence of plant physiological and phenological processes on tree water use in the Boreal forest, PhD Research project, PhD Scholarship - NSECR CREATE Water for Water Security ($50,0000), Started: 2017/09 – ongoing, 2.

Teaching experience

Social service

Honorary award


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