Charles Trick Professor

TEL:(519) 661-3899

Research area:

Phytoplankton and human health; Communities at risk; Interdisciplinary and systems thinking; Ecosystem health; Marine community needs assessments; Ocean acidification; Mesoscale ocean iron enrichments; Harmful/toxic algal blooms; Cyanobacteria and cyanotoxins; Fish-killing flagellates; Pseudo-nitzschia; Heterosigmaakashiwo; Prymnesium parvum; Microcystis sp.

Personal resume

Education Background:

BSc in Microbiology, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, MB, 1975. Topic: Freshwater microbiology. Supervisor: Harvest Halvorson. (deceased)

MSc in Marine Sciences, Acadia University, Wolfville, NS, and National Research Council Atlantic Labs (Halifax, NS) 1979. Thesis Title: The Life Cycle of the Marine Prasinophyte, Platymonasimpellucida. Supervisor: Jack L. McLachlan. (deceased)

PhD in Oceanography, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC, 1982. Thesis Title: Production of Unique Bioactive Metabolites by the Marine Dinoflagellate, Prorocentrum minimum. Supervisor: Paul J. Harrison. (deceased)

PDF in Biochemistry, University of California, Berkeley, Berkeley, CA, 1984. Topic: Siderophore production in marine bacteria. Supervisor: John B. Neilands. (deceased)

Job experiences:

2019 – present Professor, Department of Biology, University of Saskatchewan

2013– 2019     Professor, Cross Appointment, Inter-Faculty Program in Public Health, Schulich School of Medicine and Dentistry, Western University

1997– 2019  Professor, Department of Biology, Western University

1991–1997   Associate Professor, Department of Plant Sciences, University of Western Ontario

1987–1991   Assistant Professor, Department of Plant Sciences, University of Western Ontario

1984–1987   NSERC University Fellow, Environmental Studies, University of Toronto

Scientific research

Teaching experience

2019 MWS program -Breakthroughs in Water Security Research

Social service

Honorary award


Attachment: Charles Trick CV