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Students from Our College Attended the Appointment Ceremony and Academic Report


On the afternoon of September 25, teachers and students from College of Water Sciences of Beijing Normal University (BNU) attended the Appointment Ceremony & Academic Report of Visiting Professor Jeffrey McDonnell from the College of Water Sciences of BNU in Classroom 201 of the Fourth Teaching Building.Over 150 teachers and students of our college, including Mr. Teng Yanguo, Secretary of General Party Branch of our College and Mr. Pan Chengzhong, attended the meeting. Mr. Pan Chengzhong hosted the meeting.

At the beginning, Mr. Pan Chengzhong warmly introduced professor Jeffrey McDonnell's academic research background and working experience, and announced that professor Jeffrey McDonnell was appointed as the visiting professor of College of Water Sciences of BNU. Then Mr. Teng Yanguo took the stage and awarded professor Jeffrey McDonnell his employment certificate.

(Mr. Teng Yanguo Awarded Professor Jeffrey McDonnell His Employment Certificate.)

After the appointment ceremony, professor Jeffrey McDonnell conducted an academic report titledCompartmentalization of the terrestrial water cycle. As an expert in the field of isotope hydrology, professor Jeffrey McDonnell started with the conclusion he got in one of his articles in 2017 and shared with the audience his new, in-depth understandings of various aspects about terrestrial hydrological cycle, e.g. the origin of water balance equation and the effects of geology and biology on water-carrying capacity. Also, he proposed a new outlook for the terrestrial water cycle. Subsequently, Magali Nehemy, a doctoral student of professor Jeffrey McDonnell, conducted a report entitledHow plant water status drive tree water source partitioning, analyzing the driving effect of the endogenous water in trees from the perspective of isotope hydrology. The atmosphere of the whole report was relaxed and engrossing. The audience not only listened with great interest, but also actively communicated with professor Jeffrey McDonnell and his doctoral student about issues in the report and shared what they had seen and heard in scientific research.

(Professor Jeffrey J. McDonnell conducted the report.)

This report has deepened the teachers and students' understanding on the research of water sciences, and also expanded the prospects of international exchange and cooperation of our college. In particular, it has promoted Sino-Canadian cooperative education projects and the partnership between BNU and University of Saskatchewan.