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Launching Ceremony of Zhuhai River Chief System Information Platform Developed by Our Department Successfully Held in BNUZ


On January 20, the Launching Ceremony of the Zhuhai River Chief System Information Platform was held in the International Exchange Center of Beijing Normal University, Zhuhai. Zhang Jianyun, Academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, Hao Fanghua and Wang Shoujun, vice presidents of Beijing Normal University, Zhang Silong, Dean of Our Department, Geng Xiangdong, Secretary of the Party Committee of BNUZ, Zhou Xichuan, Deputy Secretary General of Zhuhai Municipal People’s Government, and He Jun, Director of Zhuhai Municipal Water Authority attended the Launching Ceremony. In addition, the staff of related units in Zhuhai City and districts and more than 20 teachers in our department also attended the Ceremony. The Ceremony was presided over by Xie Yiwei, Secretary of the Leading Party Members' Group of Zhuhai Municipal Water Authority.


Speech by Vice President Hao Fanghua


Vice President Hao Fanghua pointed out that Beijing Normal University attaches great importance to the school-local cooperation and hopes to build the development and construction of Zhuhai River Chief System Information Platform into the demonstration project that transforms the University's scientific research achievements to help local high-quality development. At present, BNU is vigorously promoting the transformation of BNUZ, striving to build an innovative "Education Silicon Valley" that integrates government-industry-university-research institute-customer, and the "Huangpu Military Academy" for basic education in China. In the future, BNU will take advantage of the development planning opportunity of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area to further increase the intensity and breadth of the school-local cooperation, so as to better serve the social and economic development of Guangdong Province and Zhuhai City.


Speech by Academician Zhang Jianyun


Academician Zhang Jianyun stressed that the construction of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area has become a national strategy. The water security in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area is a prominent issue, involving flood and waterlogging disasters, efficient utilization of water resources, restoration and protection of the water environment, security of water transportation and other research problems of water science. Located in the bridgehead of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, BNUZ has the unique location advantage of developing the water conservancy engineering, and has great cooperation space with local governments. In the future, it can rely on the College of Water Sciences to carry out major scientific and technological breakthroughs in new technologies, new theories and technical standards in the field of water security, so as to provide scientific decision-making basis for regional water security management and improve the water security guarantee ability of the Bay Area.


Official Launching of the Zhuhai River Chief System Information Platform


Speech by Zhou Xichuan, Deputy Secretary General of Zhuhai Municipal People’s Government


Speech by He Jun, Director of Zhuhai Municipal Water Authority


President Zhang Silong Introduces the Platform


Under the joint witness of the participating leaders and guests, Zhuhai River Chief System Information Platform was officially launched. Zhou Xichuan, Deputy Secretary General of Zhuhai Municipal People’s Government and He Jun, Director of Zhuhai Municipal Water Authority delivered speeches respectively, president Zhang Silong introduced the R&D situation and core functions of the platform, and relevant personnel of the Zhuhai River Chief System Office demonstrated the use of the platform on site and had real-time interaction with the teachers and students.


The launching of the Zhuhai River Chief System Information Platform is another symbolic achievement of the school-local cooperation between BNU and Zhuhai Municipal People’s Government. With the river chief system management mode as the core, the platform combined with the "Internet+" technology to realize such management objectives as collaborative office, information sharing, organization & scheduling, project support and mobile regulation, so as to implement related information sharing among water related departments in Zhuhai, and bring daily patrol & management, problem overseeing, status notification, and implementation of responsibility into the integrated management of information, realizing the "strategic operation with the map on the wall" and systematic water control. Its official launching will improve the information and intelligence level of the river chief system management in Zhuhai, and enhance the water control & management capacity of river chiefs at all levels, promoting the comprehensive water environment management in Zhuhai.