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Prof. Xu Zongxue of Our College Visits Japan to Attend the China-Japan Academic Exchange Meeting on Urban Flood Managementat the Invitation


At the invitation of Professor Keiichi Toda from Kyoto University and Associate Professor Zhang Hao from Kochi University, Professor Xu Zongxue of our college, also Director of Beijing Key Laboratory of Urban Water Cycle and Sponge City Technology accompanied by Cheng Xiaotao, Director of the Specialized Committee of Urban Water Conservancy of Chinese Hydraulic Engineering Society and Editor-in-Chief ofJournal of Hydraulic Engineering, Professor Hou Jingming from Xi'an University of Technology and Wang Jing, Professorate Senior Engineer of the Disaster Alleviation Research Center on Flood Prevention and Drought Control of China Institute of Water Resources and Hydropower Research visited Japan from September 10 to 14, 2019.


The delegation led by Professor Xu Zongxue visited Kochi as their first stop. In Kochi University, the delegation attended the 2ndInternational Workshop on Urban Flood Management (UFM2019) co-organized by Committee on Underground Space Research, Japan Society of Civil Engineers (JSCE) and Kochi University, in which more than 80 experts and scholars from all over Japan and countries and regions concerned participated. Mr.Katsutoshi Sakurai, President of Kochi University attended the Opening Ceremony and delivered his speech on behalf of Kochi University; and Professor Koichi Honke, Vice President and a medical expert listened the entire symposium, which has manifested that Kochi University has attached great importance to the international academic exchanges activity of the university. Professor Xu Zongxue made the report titled "Sponge City and Urban Flood Management in Jinan City, China" on invitation, through which he introduced the sponge city construction in China with attendees, triggering their keen interest.


Professor Xu Zongxue is invited to make the academic report


Right after the academic conference, the Chinese delegation was invited by Kyoto University to exchange with peers of Disaster Prevention Research Institute, Kyoto University all while visiting. In the Disaster Prevention Research Institute, the delegation, accompanied by Professor Keiichi Toda and Associate Professor Zhang Hao, visited the Tsunami Stimulation Lab, Artificial Rainfall Lab, the simulation test apparatus of urban inland inundation, the sink for testing the impact force of urban flash flood and experimental facilities of urban underground waterlogging in succession, and personally experienced the artificial rainfall & impact force test of urban flash flood. Those advanced experiments have left deep impression on Chinese experts.


Professor Xu Zongxue is experiencing the impact force test of urban flash flood

The UFM2019 marks the continuation and furtherance of China-Japan Academic Exchange Meeting on Urban Flood Management held in Beijing in December 2018. Leveraging this academic exchange and cooperation, domestic experts and scholars in the field of urban flood management have further enhanced the exchanges and cooperation with peers of Japan and related countries and regions. Professor Xu Zongxue, as Director of Beijing Key Laboratory of Urban Water Cycle and Sponge City Technology, has been invited successively to participate in academic exchanges on urban flood prevention recently. Therefore, he plays quite a positive role in improving the academic status and influence of Beijing Key Laboratory and China Institute of Water Resources and Hydropower Research beyond doubt.