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2019 BNU Enrollment Guide of "The Rhythm of Water" Summer Camp for Excellent College Students


2019 BNU Enrollment Guide of "The Rhythm of Water" Summer Camp for Excellent College Students

Beijing Normal University will hold "'The Rhythm of Water' Summer Camp for Excellent College Students" (hereinafter referred to as "the Camp") from July 8 to July 11, 2019. The Camp aims to promote the popularization and exchanges of knowledge of the four disciplines, namely hydrology & water resources, hydraulics & river dynamics, ecological watershed science & engineering and groundwater science & engineering. Also, it aims to help excellent college students understand the latest development and hotpots of related disciplinary groups and introduce to them the teaching and research of College of Water Sciences, Beijing Normal University (hereinafter referred to as "the College"). In addition, it will provide consultation for the excellent students who are interested in studying in College of Water Sciences, Beijing Normal University through exam-exempted recommendation or postgraduate entrance examination.

The campers will grasp in-depth knowledge of the above four disciplines and have the opportunity to visit the experimental base. Furthermore, the campers who are interested in water science research will communicate face-to-face with the tutors of College of Water Sciences, Beijing Normal University who plan to accept postgraduate students, following the tutors for short-term scientific research practice. Please pay attention to the following announcement for the arrangement of the scientific research practice and related information, as well as the postgraduate enrollment information of Beijing Normal University in 2020.

I. Application Requirements

1. Applicants must have good ideology & morality and good physical & mental health. They must be law-abiding and hardworking. They must have relatively strong learning abilities and research innovation potential. They must be ready to serve the socialist modernization construction. Applicants must be honest and trustworthy in academics. They cannot have any record of cheating in exams or plagiarizing the academic achievements of others. They cannot have any record of committing offences.

2. Applicants must be junior undergraduate students, namely the students who will graduate in 2020, and they must major in the following disciplines in national colleges and universities: water conservancy engineering, hydrology & water resources, hydraulics & river dynamics, environmental science & engineering, groundwater science & engineering and other related disciplines.

3. Applicants shall have excellent academic performances during the postgraduate period and have good foreign language skills. The applicants who are qualified to be recommended, exam-exempted master candidates of the original school are preferred, and those who have excellent scientific research skills (such as having published high-quality academic papers, having rich experience in scientific research projects, or having won prizes in major national competitions, etc.) are also preferred.

4. Applicants should have strong interest in the research of the disciplines of hydrology & water resources, hydraulics & river dynamics, ecological watershed science & engineering, and groundwater science & engineering. They must have relevant professional background (in science majors such as water conservancy engineering, geography, resource & environmental science, ecology or basic science majors such as mathematics or physics) and be ready to engage in academic research in the fields of hydrology & water resources, hydraulics & river dynamics, ecological watershed science & engineering and groundwater science & engineering.

II. Application Materials

1). Online Application

Please log onto the website ( to fill in information, and download the application form and print it. Applicants need add in the system remark column the declared department, the intended tutor and whether to accept the transfer of the department. The department introductions are put in the enrollment guide attachment. For the tutor introductions, please refer to the college website (

2). Personal Statement

Applicants need prepare a personal statement including personal academic background, previous research work, future study and research plans, goals, etc.

3). Academic Ranking

The undergraduate transcript (double transcripts for double-degree applicants) and professional ranking certificate (with the official seal of the department or the official seal of Academic Affairs Office of the department) are needed.

4). Copies of Certificates

5). Academic Achievements

Academic paper, publication or original achievements that can reflect the academic level or comprehensive quality are eligible to be provided.


 All application materials must be printed on A4 paper and sent (delivered) directly to: Room 1508, Jingshi Building B, No.12, South Xueyuan Road, Haidian District, Beijing (recipient: Zhao Yanan) before June 20 (subject to the local postmark, express delivery only). Postal code: 100082. Please send your materials as soon as possible. No applications will be accepted after this date.

III. Material Audit and Expense

1. The admission list will be published on the school website ( and directly notified to selected students (SMS) before June 24, 2019. The selected students must reply to confirm whether or not to participate before June 25, 2019. Failure to confirm before the deadline will be regarded as automatic abandonment.

2. The College will provide accommodation and subsistence allowance for admitted students during the Camp, and will reimburse round-trip train hard-sleeper or high-speed train second-class seat expenses for selected students. (The selected students are required to book the round-trip ticket by themselves and keep the ticket to send back for reimbursement after returning to their own school. If they need to take other means of transportation, they have to cover the extra expense themselves. The time limit of the round-trip ticket is from July 7, 2019 to July 12, 2019. If the destination of the ticket is inconsistent with the required address or the time of the ticket is not within the required dates, please submit a description of the situation, and the ticket can only be reimbursed with the approval of the financial and economic department of the university. Without its approval, reimbursement will not be allowed.

IV. Schedule

The College will organize experts to give lectures on the latest development of water sciences. Also, the experts will lead students to visit laboratories, conduct field practice visits and have academic exchanges. Meanwhile, the College will arrange the selection of recommended exam-exempted postgraduates in 2020 (please refer to the website of the College for the introductions of recruitment tutors). The specific arrangements are as follows:

July 8: Registration

July 9: Academic report, visit to the History Museum of BNU, outdoor training

July 10: Field practice, visit to labs

July 11: Professional interviews (please refer to the previous years' arrangement of recommended exam-exempted students), signing of proposed admission agreements, explanation of the admission policy)

V. Contact Information

Contact: Ms. Zhao

Tel.: 010—58802739


The Camp aims to enable undergraduate students of various majors to learn about the knowledge of hydrology & water resources, hydraulics & river dynamics, ecological watershed science & engineering, and groundwater science & engineering, which also facilitates the selection of postgraduate students of 2020 for the College. For the students who meet the admission requirements of our university and plan to be admitted as the recommended exam-exempted postgraduate students in 2020, their admission intention will be determined in advance, and they will no longer need to participate in the reexamination of recommended exam-exempted students in September.





Brief Introduction to Institute of Hydrology and Water Resources

The institute focuses on the trend in disciplinary development of hydrology and water resources and the technological demand for domestic allocation of water resources. It adheres to the principle of combining the perspectiveness, the strategy, and the applicability, with the goal of clarifying the law of water cycle in a changing environment and serving the comprehensive management of national water resources based on the big data platform. Pioneering work of teaching and research is conducted in the fields of terrestrial water cycle and land surface processes, urban hydrological processes and construction of sponge cities, hydrological informatics and construction of big data platform, efficient use of agricultural water resources and water resource planning and management, as well as hydraulics and river dynamics. The Beijing Key Laboratory of Urban Water Cycle Sponge City Technology and the Beijing Normal University Key Laboratory of Digital Watershed are relied on, and construction of field comprehensive experimental bases is promoted. Innovative research team and professional talents are formed and fostered inter-disciplinarily in hydrology, water resources science, environmental science, ecology, geography, and management, with the hydrology water resources science and as the core. Directions of research include:

The Institute has now 13 faculty members that all have gotten the Doctor degree, 6 of whom have received doctoral degrees abroad, and 11 of whom have studied abroad. Currently, there are 6 professors, 5 associate professors and 2 lecturers, all of whom are qualified to be master tutors and 8 are qualified to be doctoral tutors.

The existing Beijing key Laboratory of Urban Hydrological Cycle and Sponge City Technology and University Key Laboratory of "Digital Watershed" of the Institute can provide technical support and experimental conditions for related researches.

Tutors: Xu Zongxue, Yu Jingshan, Wang Guoqiang, Wang Huixiao, Wang Hongrui, Liu Haijun, Sun Wenchao, Peng Dingzhi, Pang Bo, Xue Baolin, Zuo Depeng, Zhu Zhongfan, Yu Song


Brief Introduction to Institute of Groundwater Science and Engineering

The institute closely combines major national strategic needs and disciplinary development frontiers regarding the prevention and control of groundwater pollution and the assurance for safe supply of groundwater resources. The targets are groundwater pollution control and remediation as well as groundwater quality security assurance and risk prevention and control. The following specialty features are highlighted, i.e., water quantity combined with water quality, simulation combined with experiment, and theory combined with technology. Teaching and research work are conducted in various fields such as groundwater environmental monitoring and analysis technology, groundwater pollution source identification and risk assessment methods, simulation theory and technology of groundwater pollution processes, groundwater pollution control and remediation technology, and water quality security assurance technology in groundwater source. The Engineering Research Center of the Ministry of Education for Groundwater Pollution Control and Restoration is relied on, and construction of field comprehensive experimental base is advanced. Innovative research team and professional talents are formed and fostered inter-disciplinarily in environmental science, geology, ecology, geography, hydrology, and management, with groundwater science and engineering as the core. Directions of research include:

Currently, there are 13 full-time teachers in the Institute, all of whom have doctoral degrees, including 1 distinguished professor in "The Recruitment Program of Global Experts", 2 professors, 8 associate professors and 2 lecturers. The Institute has the "Engineering Research Center of Groundwater Pollution Control & Remediation of Ministry of Education of China" supported by Beijing Normal University and the Miyun Base, which is a field comprehensive experimental base featuring the integrated development of production, learning and research. The Institute has doctorate and master's degree awarding programs for the first-class discipline, i.e. environmental science & engineering, as well as a master's degree awarding program for the first-class discipline, i.e. water conservancy engineering.

Tutors:Wang Jinsheng, Teng Yanguo, Yue Weifeng, Zuo Rui, Hu Litang, Li jian, Zhang Botao, Zhai Yuanzheng, Chen Haiyang, Song Liuting, Yang Jie, Cheng Lirong


Brief Introduction to Institute of Water Ecology

The institute closely focuses on major national needs and scientific issues at the frontier of discipline development, regarding the research and development of water pollution control theory and technology, and the health assurance for water ecological environment. Research is conducted with watershed as the unit, through laboratory and field experiments, field monitoring, and numerical simulation methods. Different scales are covered, including the micro scale of pollutant migration and transformation at the water-soil-organism interface, the meso scale of research in point pollution sites and line pollution rivers, and the macro scale of comprehensive research on water use, ecological protection, and green development in watersheds. Relevant studies explore the evolution law of water ecological environment in watersheds, reveal the mechanisms underpinning the changes of river and lake water quality, and establish the theoretical and technological system of water ecological remediation. In addition, the studies clarify control mechanisms and processes of sustainable and harmonious development of water, soil, ecology, and society in watersheds, propose indicator and methodological systems for evaluation of river and lake health, and develop tools supporting water ecological remediation and management decision in watersheds. All these provide guidance for solving water pollution and water ecosystem degradation in watersheds of China. Directions of research include:

The Institute integrates a series of characteristic research directions dominated by watershed soil and water pollution control & restoration, river dynamics & ecological engineering and ecological watershed hydrological simulation & management. It has a team of pioneering and innovative teachers, with talents in the "National Special Support Program for High-level Personnel Recruitment" as research leaders and outstanding young and middle-aged scholars as main research forces. Currently, there are 10 full-time teachers in the Institute, including 5 professors, 4 associate professors and 1 lecturer. All the full-time teachers have obtained doctoral degree and all of them have overseas research experience.

The Institute has doctorate and master's degree awarding programs for the disciplines of Environmental Science & Engineering and Hydraulic Engineering (Ecological Watershed Science and Engineering, hydraulics & river dynamics).

Tutors: Wang Shengrui, Ding Aizhong, Wang Hongqi, Dou Junfeng, Bian Zhaoyong, Pan Chengzhong, Sun Yujiao, Su Baolin, Zhang Shurong, Zhu yi


Brief Introduction to Institute of Water Security

The institute closely focuses on major national needs and scientific issues at the frontier

of discipline development, with regard to assurance for water quality health and safe

applications. Studies are conducted to investigate the interactions and mechanisms of

biological processes and water cycle elements, analyze the laws of hydrological cycle,

transformation and balance in ecosystems, and explore the climatic, hydrological, and

ecological processes and response mechanisms. Combined with the results, further

studies are performed to construct the law of water quality and quantity changes in

the ecosystem and the prediction and forecasting methods, and develop water quality

and quantity dynamic monitoring and management informatization technology, drought

and flood disaster early-warning, forecasting, and prevention technology, and water

ecological restoration technology. These studies are guided by the concept of green

ecology to solve the constraints of water resources and environment, which can provide

theoretical and technical support for the security, healthy restoration, and protection of

waters in the extreme and benign states in order to stabilize the good characteristics of

water ecosystems and achieve the management objective of sustainable use of water

resources. The Institute has now 1 distinguished professor in "The Recruitment Program of Global Experts", 3 professors, 3 associate professors, 3 lecturers and 1 postdoctoral fellow. Since its establishment in 2017, the Institute has undertaken projects of over RMB 80 million in research directions of ecological hydrology, watershed pollution control & ecological restoration, water ecological security and others. It has published three papers on Nature and its sub-journals, two papers of PNAS, 12 papers whose IFs are higher than 6.0, and 20 papers of TOP journals.

Tutors: Hao Fanghua, Zhang Silong, Fu Yongshuo, Yang Shengtian, Zheng Lei, Zhao Changsen, Hao Zengchao